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Being called simple

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If someone tells you are a simple person! What does this mean? And is it a bad thing? Thanks


I do not think it is a bad thing. I quiet like it and see it as a positive comment rather than a derogatory one.


I'm a simple person; I enjoy a simple lifestyle and like life's simple pleasures. :)

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Some words' meanings are distorted by misuse, I agree.

'Simple' is a good and virtuous thing to be- if the word is used to mean 'straight, honest, uncomplicated'.

Another example: 'idiot' originally meant 'ordinary, not special'. It's derived from the Hebrew 'Hediot'- i.e. a Cohen [descendant of Aaron] other than a Cohen Gadol ['High Priest'].

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Another example: 'idiot' originally meant 'ordinary, not special'. It's derived from the Hebrew 'Hediot'

Where've you got this etymology from?


Online Etymology Dictionary says:



early 14c., "person so mentally deficient as to be incapable of ordinary reasoning;" also in M.E. "simple man, uneducated person, layman" (late 14c.), from O.Fr. idiote "uneducated or ignorant person" (12c.), from L. idiota "ordinary person, layman; outsider," in L.L. "uneducated or ignorant person," from Gk. idiotes "layman, person lacking professional skill"

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If the person meant it as an insult then that person is obviously of a certain mindset

however they could simply mean as mentioned above that you are un-complicated.


I personally would take it as an insult, only because the only times i have heard the term 'simple' has been in a negative way.


However whatever you are, you are you and i am me and its nice to meet you xxxx

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