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10p or not to pee? That is the question

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10p, or not to pee, that is the question:

Whether 'tis Nobler in the mind to suffer

The cramps and pains of outrageous natural needs,

Or to take risk of succumbing to a Sea of troubles.


This is the dilemma you face folks.


For you may chance upon a journey,

one through Sheffield station,

The train is late, or you are early,

and cometh desire for urination.


You have a ticket and that is all,

you cannot risk using a briefly stopped train

nor the jump the barriers, you might fall

you wish to pee but stand in vain!


What the hell is going on at the station? 10p to urinate WTF!


You can use the pub next door I suppose, maybe walk on towards the remnants of Dyson house? Risk hopping on a train quickly before it sets off? The trees beside park hill?


Sheffield lacks public toilets, it's scandalous, a case of public hygiene!


People who visit our city are denied access to toilet facilities upon entering, it is a joke!


What do you think?


Should we have free toilet facilities in the train station, like we do in the bus station? Or should we have some ridiculous charge that serves no rational purpose?


Apart from in the foyer all the facilities are free, just go to one of the platforms.


Or, if it's not busy, hop the turnstile, that's what I did last time I needed to go.

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there's free loo's on platform 5 and 7, there's a loo in the sheffield tap, on your way to the station there's loo's in the hallam university building and the winter gardens, the bus station, er.. that's all I can think of for now.


I travel by train quite a lot, and the loos on the main concourse used to get vandalised and messed up quite regularly. I'd rather pay a charge and have decent facilities, although they still aren't fantastic. I also think it costs 20p, not 10p.


But as others have already pointed out, there are free loos on various platforms, so people have a choice. :thumbsup:

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