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10p or not to pee? That is the question

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usually with those turnstyle things, rather than push it forward pull it towards you half way. That should allow you to fit through.


Or just put a hand on either side and hop straight over, it's very easy. And given this fact, how does a 20p charge and some easily jumped turnstyles stop the vandalism?

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Or just put a hand on either side and hop straight over, it's very easy. And given this fact, how does a 20p charge and some easily jumped turnstyles stop the vandalism?


Isn't that somewhat dishonest? Kind of like stealing.


Surely one should just stand still and urinate him/herself?

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They've been charging 20p in Rotherham bus station for a while now. I wouldn't mind if the toilets were any cleaner but they're a disgrace sometimes. I refuse to pay for my daughter - she's only 3 and needs to go about 10 times an hour :D. So its either a lift over the turnstile or a dash to the nearest grate :D

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Or just put a hand on either side and hop straight over, it's very easy. And given this fact, how does a 20p charge and some easily jumped turnstyles stop the vandalism?


It's likely the vandals will not have change, they're destructive not dishonest.

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I'd want a massive poo, a slashtastic wee, liberal dousing of water and reams and reams of toilet paper for 10p.


Not as much as Leeds though, think thats 40p now. Can't describe what I'd want for that!


They keep putting train fares up, why doesnt this cover the cost of maintaining a customer loo? it's outrageous.

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It's likely the vandals will not have change, they're destructive not dishonest.


This use of the word dishonest seems a bit dishonest to me.



  • Behaving or prone to behave in an untrustworthy or fraudulent way.
  • Intended to mislead or cheat.

I had to check fraudulent, but that's to deceive with intent to result in financial gain, it's a bit of a stretch to claim dishonesty by not paying to use a public convenience.

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