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10p or not to pee? That is the question

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because you are paying for a train ticket.

SO WHAT? its just that! a ticket to travel on a train you didnt buy a ticket to pee whilst you wait for the train, for goodness sake its 10 or 20p, i would rather pay that and have clean well maintained facilities than a free public toilet that is like a sewer:gag:

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We already pay, we buy train tickets.

Tap water generally is, and should be free, although you should be using the place to get any, ie buying food.

why should it be free?? tap water that is? the operator has to pay water rates, clean the glass or cup, someone has to get paid to serve it etc etc what is it with the something for nothing culture in this country...think thats where we have gone wrong:mad::rolleyes:

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The train station is only operated by EMT under license, which shouldn't have allowed them to apply a charge to a previously free facility IMO.


True. But considering it was EMT's money that went into refurbishing the facilities and EMT's money that goes towards paying the cleaners and contractors why shouldn't they choose to charge if they want to. Plenty of other stations do particuarly the ones which are actually taxpayer owned (i.e. via Network Rail). That includes Manchester Pic, Birmingham and Leeds.


I never heard such a bunch of whinging cheapskates to some people on this forum.


Nip over to the continent - nearly EVERY public convenience from Stations to Libraries to Department Stores has a charge. Anything from 50c to 2euro.


Its 10p for god sake. If you dont want to pay it - take a walk to the dozens of other facilities nearby.

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why should it be free?? tap water that is? the operator has to pay water rates, clean the glass or cup, someone has to get paid to serve it etc etc what is it with the something for nothing culture in this country...think thats where we have gone wrong:mad::rolleyes:


They have to pay the water rates either way, so the water is in effect free (it'd be a strange kind of restaurant that could operate without a water supply).

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