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I know this is a pretty stupid question to ask most of you, and I expect some stupid or jokey comments...


but does anybody here meditate? At the moment I'm highly considering taking it up for a few reasons:


1) My sleep has been really messed up for quite a while, and lately I've been waking randomly in the night and finding it hard to sleep, the last time I was like this was after my grandad died and I was depressed, but I'm quite happy with my life right now so I know its not depression... so I'm considering to help me relax.


2) I'm making changes to my lifestyle slowly and taking up things that I think will improve my life and also change some things... I've recently joined the gym to improve my health and help put a little more confidence in my appearance, not that I lack a lot of confidence, but more is always better ;)


Also trying to organise my life a lot better, putting more hours into my main hobby of learning/playing the guitar, trying to get out and socialise more and meet new people...


Just overall self improvement... anyways, I'm considering taking up meditation to try and help relax my mind and body a little, hopefully it may make me feel better, I dunno, but it just sounds like something I could do at night to help improve my state of mind and body...


But I dunno where to start, I'm sure if I look on the internet I'll find loads of things, but most of it will be random crap, so I'm just wanting to see if anybody on here has any advice on where to start, and if they meditate, and whether it's given them any improvement on their life?


and if you don't meditate, do you have any reccomendations on things to help improve relaxation of the mind and body? work + Uni puts stress on my mind, and the gym puts a lot of stress on my body... a nice full body massage would do wonders for that I'm sure... but for some strange reason I cant find no hot naked twins that will do it ;) lol

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Hi Xafier,


Nothing stupid about your post !!!


I meditate about 2 or 3 times a week (some weeks more and some weeks less). Usually in the early morning, after exercise.


It's a time to settle myself down, calm and relax my mind, and sort out anything that needs sorting. It's certainly beneficial to me and a very worthwhile way to spend some time.


re: Where to start ...


Just do it. It's about self inspection, looking at yourself, knowing yourself, working out what works best for you and what you need and want in your life. You don't have to call it 'Meditaion' or anything else ... just get yourself some quiet time alone, relax, and simply be. That's it. Don't have to *do* anything.


If you get in to a regular habit of doing this, that'd be great.


Control your own mind and you will control life itself, however, 'control' is something of a double edged sword ... (as are naked hot twins ... hehe).


Good luck,



p.s. According to the Tyler Durden (Fight Club) ... 'self improvement' is masterbation.

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Originally posted by Jamie

p.s. According to the Tyler Durden (Fight Club) ... 'self improvement' is masterbation.


nice to see somebody else has good taste in movies ;) hehe... I love that film, its really great, although the first time I watched it I was tired and totally screwed the plot up in my head... lol

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Originally posted by Jamie

Hi Xafier,


Nothing stupid about your post !!!


I meditate about 2 or 3 times a week (some weeks more and some weeks less). Usually in the early morning, after exercise.


It's a time to settle myself down, calm and relax my mind, and sort out anything that needs sorting. It's certainly beneficial to me and a very worthwhile way to spend some time.


re: Where to start ...


Just do it. It's about self inspection, looking at yourself, knowing yourself, working out what works best for you and what you need and want in your life. You don't have to call it 'Meditaion' or anything else ... just get yourself some quiet time alone, relax, and simply be. That's it. Don't have to *do* anything.


If you get in to a regular habit of doing this, that'd be great.


Control your own mind and you will control life itself, however, 'control' is something of a double edged sword ... (as are naked hot twins ... hehe).


Good luck,



p.s. According to the Tyler Durden (Fight Club) ... 'self improvement' is masterbation.

I agree totaly I normaly Meditate at least 3 times a week. Find some where your not going to be disturbed, maybe burn some candles and incense listen to some relaxing music. Relax all your body including your mind and in your mind go to some where you like, a beach, woods, a mountain and just stay there till you feel refreshed or you feel its time to come back. :thumbsup:
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Originally posted by Bikertec

I agree totaly I normaly Meditate at least 3 times a week. Find some where your not going to be disturbed, maybe burn some candles and incense listen to some relaxing music. Relax all your body including your mind and in your mind go to some where you like, a beach, woods, a mountain and just stay there till you feel refreshed or you feel its time to come back. :thumbsup:


Bikertac that is spot on what I do but I never knew it meditating.

I go into a self hypnotic trance by counting, let everything relax systymatically thinking of each part of the body, especially the mind.

Choose the place you want to be and stay there. Count and come back. I used it when I had an angiography and the Dr said he thought I'd gone to sleep.! Using it has got me thru some very rough patches.


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Not formally, though like Hazel I do a form of self-hypnosis.


I intend to re-introduce meditation in to my personal 'spiritual practice' in the not too distant future. I learnt to meditate from a Buddhist friend of mine some years ago and let it slip, but now I feel together enough to start again.


I know, slightly arse about face to NOT meditate when I was most stressed out and start again when I'm more chilled, but there you go!



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  • 7 months later...

One point I'm just getting into meditation also. Apparantly an easy mistake to get into is thinking that meditation is thinking of nothing or sitting there daydreaming. Where in fact you're supposed to be centred on one thing, e.g. your breathing. Do a net search for HAMSA its a mantra but none religious. plenty of info out there but not that many teachers. But then how much instruction do you need to concentrate on how you're breathing

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I think making some time for yourself in this way is essential in this stressful life we live in. I go to Yoga once a week and it both revitalises and calms you, you use certain poses for certain effects. I can recommend it.


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Originally posted by garryn

One point I'm just getting into meditation also. Apparantly an easy mistake to get into is thinking that meditation is thinking of nothing or sitting there daydreaming. Where in fact you're supposed to be centred on one thing, e.g. your breathing. Do a net search for HAMSA its a mantra but none religious. plenty of info out there but not that many teachers. But then how much instruction do you need to concentrate on how you're breathing


A lot; breathing if done properly is a very highly powerful force with an equally powerful impact upon the body. Most people tend to have a very shallow in-breath which is of no use or ornament to the body. It takes much skill and practice to learn how to breath correctly so all parts of the body benefit from a correctly controlled in and out-breaths. It's difficult to learn how to do it properly. :D:D

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