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Best to try a free introductory course.


Or have a look at this


With all due respect advising an introductary course at a Buddhist centre may not be of any benefit at all.


Unless her goal is total unbinding then Buddhist meditation may not be right for her (unless of course the course doesn't teach Buddhist meditation which would then call into question its status as a Buddhist organisation).


I'm not saying this out of disrespect, I myself am a Buddhist but if her goal is just mild relaxation, more focus then there may be better methods, there are lots of secular meditation groups out there which may be more beneficial.


I don't know about Jon Kabat-Zinn so cannot comment.

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I spent many years with a whole load of horrible medical things happening to me which I had to keep calm and let happen so I learned to meditate and to do self hypnosis. Both are incredibly useful at overriding other things that are happening inside your brain when you either want to think clearly about something else or not to think about what's happening around you. It's really helpful to be able to keep your pulse and blood pressure low whilst having an operation without a general anaesthetic- it's way too easy to let your sympathetic nervous system kick in with the fight or flight response, which makes you lose venous access and also makes it more likely that you'll have a serious bleed or other complications.


I start the meditation process almost every night as a way of making my brain stop focusing on whatever I'm thinking about when I go to bed, but these days I rarely get more than a few moments in before I'm asleep.

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I used to & it's good, but I got out of the habit. It needs regular practice.


Yes, it does need practice and without it the process won't feel natural.


Fortunately, it takes only a few moments in your day to get your brain in gear so it you have a regular sit down for a tea break, or a bath at a regular time or something similar then you can use 5-10 minutes of this time to have a little mindfulness session.

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