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Thank you PaliRichard for your comment and for clarifying for me some of the etiquette of the forum. This is the first time I've used a forum like this and it's helpful to know what's appropriate to do. A friend recommended I put on Sheffield forum the details of the Mindfulness course I shall be running - yes it does cost money by the way. Before posting my own information, I looked at other posts to see if people notify of goods and services and it seems they do - is that an acceptable thing to do d'you know? I'm guessing that it may be OK to post details of services but not explictly offer them in reply to others' posts - is that the acceptable procedure? I'm pleased to see that you're concerned to protect other forum users - I can see there's potential for inappropriate use and I'm sorry I've been rather clumsy in my use so far. I'm planning on keeping live my post that announces details of the Mindfulness course, but not replying to others' posts with details - will that fit with the aims of the forum d'you think?


best wishes

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I can see there's potential for inappropriate use and I'm sorry I've been rather clumsy in my use so far. I'm planning on keeping live my post that announces details of the Mindfulness course, but not replying to others' posts with details - will that fit with the aims of the forum d'you think?


Just be mindful of self promotion. You can announce your events in 'evenings out', but avoid anything else.


You have a signature you may use, though :)

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Thank you PaliRichard for your comment and for clarifying for me some of the etiquette of the forum. This is the first time I've used a forum like this and it's helpful to know what's appropriate to do. A friend recommended I put on Sheffield forum the details of the Mindfulness course I shall be running - yes it does cost money by the way. Before posting my own information, I looked at other posts to see if people notify of goods and services and it seems they do - is that an acceptable thing to do d'you know? I'm guessing that it may be OK to post details of services but not explictly offer them in reply to others' posts - is that the acceptable procedure? I'm pleased to see that you're concerned to protect other forum users - I can see there's potential for inappropriate use and I'm sorry I've been rather clumsy in my use so far. I'm planning on keeping live my post that announces details of the Mindfulness course, but not replying to others' posts with details - will that fit with the aims of the forum d'you think?


best wishes


I (and I'm sure no one else) objects to your offering your services. Nor do I think you've broken any forum 'etiquette' as such.


My concern was that you appeared to latch on to a thread in order merely to sell a product without giving any formal detail or introduction, nor making any attempt to find out the requirements of those on that particular thread before trying to sell your product.


Why would you not reply to others posts with details? I'm not sure where you are coming from with that, do you mean for fear of 'invading' their posts or in respose to direct questions?


Now that's out of the way, let me first apologise for appearing rude and not greeting you properly, and then ask a few questions that I would hope you will answer.


Are you an individual or do you belong to a 'mindfulness' (or any other) organisation?


Are you locally based (either as an individual or organisation) or are you (inter)national?


From what angle do you approach meditation, by that I mean how did you learn yourself, in what context? Was it secular or religious?


What is the main method of your teaching? Do you teach concentration or detatched awareness (by that I mean merely being aware without any particular focus/motivation) (both mindfulness teqhniques but with far different outcomes).


Why is it only an 8? week course? Is it because you teach basics and then do a seperate series of courses or because the 8 weeks fulfills everything that you teach?


How much is the course?


I apologise for the twenty questions, but I have to be honest and say your opening post has led me to distrust you a little (no insult intended) I also distrust (rightly or wrongly, it is no way connected to the fact that I doubt any motives, but that I personally wouldn't charge for anything as I beleive that things of benefit should be given freely) those who charge for things like this other than to cover basic costs of room hire etc (hence my question about the cost).


I appreciate that this may be coming across very negatively, and I can only give you my word that this is not my intention and hope that is enough.


To offer a slight hand of reconciliation (if one is needed) let me assure other readers of this thread that I have absolutely nothing against Mindfulness_ nor what they are proposing so don't let me put you off, as I hope pattricia will verify I beleive it is down to individuals to make their own decisions and the proof should be in their personal practice of a particualr method.


Also mindfulness please feel free to join in the conversation, an extra angle is never frowned upon!

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Just be mindful of self promotion. You can announce your events in 'evenings out', but avoid anything else.


You have a signature you may use, though :)


Oops sorry Karis, I wasn't aware of this before making my previous post, I hope Mindfulness_ answering my questions doesn't count as self promotion on their part?!? :confused:




I notice you've just cancelled your original post, I didn't want to put you off allowing others to share the details of your course - that wasn't where I was coming from, in fact I would welcome you giving people the opportunity to know about it.

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...... I beleive it is down to individuals to make their own decisions and the proof should be in their personal practice of a particualr method.


Then let individuals make their choice rather than continue to question and browbeat this new user down....


Also mindfulness please feel free to join in the conversation, an extra angle is never frowned upon!

They are trying but their 'new angle' seems to be continually challenged by you...



..... I notice you've just cancelled your original post, I didn't want to put you off allowing others to share the details of your course - that wasn't where I was coming from, in fact I would welcome you giving people the opportunity to know about it.


Really? You wouldn't think it!



...... a few questions that I would hope you will answer.


Are you an individual or do you belong to a 'mindfulness' (or any other) organisation?


Are you locally based (either as an individual or organisation) or are you (inter)national?


From what angle do you approach meditation, by that I mean how did you learn yourself, in what context? Was it secular or religious?


What is the main method of your teaching? Do you teach concentration or detatched awareness (by that I mean merely being aware without any particular focus/motivation) (both mindfulness teqhniques but with far different outcomes).


Why is it only an 8? week course? Is it because you teach basics and then do a seperate series of courses or because the 8 weeks fulfills everything that you teach?


How much is the course?


I apologise for the twenty questions, ......


I know so very little about your meditation practises and teaching PaliRichard (due to you having not posted them on the forum) - can you please post a full and exhaustive resume?


Thank you.

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Then let individuals make their choice rather than continue to question and browbeat this new user down....



They are trying but their 'new angle' seems to be continually challenged by you...




Really? You wouldn't think it![/Quote]


I was challenging it because it appeared to be nothing more than a sales gimmick, I outlined to the user why I thought this, I didn't just come on here saying 'Look, you are wrong, do one', which I agree would have been uncalled for.


I tried balancing that by clearly saying I wasn't questioning their motives but made my post due to the vague nature of their 'advertisement', and that each user should make their own decisions based on their own experience of their chosen practice.


Once I had realised they had cancelled their original post I felt it necessary to reiterate that I wasn't making a personal attack and that my intention wasn't that they shouldn't advertise their course on here, apparently, as your post demonstrates, my post didn't come across in the way I intended and for that I can only apologise to Mindfulness_.




I know so very little about your meditation practises and teaching PaliRichard (due to you having not posted them on the forum) - can you please post a full and exhaustive resume?


Thank you.


With all due respect I am not charging for a course aimed at a specific group of people without first giving them basic (what I consider basic - considering the subject matter) information or even a link to more information (which they do have, I have since checked).


I don't consider my questions unreasonable in trying to glean a little more information about the course - like I say regarding the subject matter they are hardly probing questions, I merely asked for basic information.


Having actually visited the website of the organisation I have formed my own opinion of what I think yet choose not to post it because as I have stressed before it is down to individuals to make their own minds up, there are many of the suggested methods on this thread I disagree with but I haven't jumped on the individuals because they have merely tried to help, and not just come on here trying to 'sell' a course.


If you still think I was unreasonable that is up to you, and may I suggest the next time you get a leaflet through your door advertising something you consider may be a little dodgy that instead of questioning it you just pass it on to all your friends so they may potentially get ripped off without even offering any words of warning to them - that is all I have done - and tried to repeatedly stress openly to Mindfulness_

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Thank you PaliRichard for your comment and for clarifying for me some of the etiquette of the forum. This is the first time I've used a forum like this and it's helpful to know what's appropriate to do. A friend recommended I put on Sheffield forum the details of the Mindfulness course I shall be running - yes it does cost money by the way. Before posting my own information, I looked at other posts to see if people notify of goods and services and it seems they do - is that an acceptable thing to do d'you know? I'm guessing that it may be OK to post details of services but not explictly offer them in reply to others' posts - is that the acceptable procedure? I'm pleased to see that you're concerned to protect other forum users - I can see there's potential for inappropriate use and I'm sorry I've been rather clumsy in my use so far. I'm planning on keeping live my post that announces details of the Mindfulness course, but not replying to others' posts with details - will that fit with the aims of the forum d'you think?


best wishes


They don't like advertising business in the wrong section (had my own thread pulled promoting my recent iOS game). I believe it's fine to mention it in your signiture though.


Best of luck with your mindfulness course. I know some courses, work by donation, they have a suggested donation, then a bucket by the door etc.


I think these kind of mechanics (customer choose price) can work very well in some contexts. For example, in the context of video games, just google 'humble bundle' and you'll see what I mean! Yup, its counter-intuitive, but those fellas are rock n rollin'


Welcome to the forum,

Kindest regards,


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Ive bought the book today but, will it really change my life ? And if so, I wonder in which way ?


What we call life is fantasy. Full of false beliefs and dreams we think they are real, really belief in it, not seeing it is our own thinking in control. Our mind fool ourselves and is not aware of it, asleep.

E. tolle is one of few who knows the way out, wake up, stop listening to our own lies.

You stop being a victim of life and live it free from worries, politics, emotional habits.

Room opens for love, peace, no need to do silly things anylonger reach somewhere, compete, become number 1.


Go to oprah winfrey website and look at the discussions she has had with E. Tolle. My girlfriend has lots of his lectures in mp3 format. She listens to them frequently.


A book can only help as a reminder when you allready know what you are looking for. You do know meditation, everybody does, but may have forgotten and now need to remember it again. E. tolle is just one of many people that could help you find your way back to meditation, it is your true nature, easy, you dont see it when busy all the time.

Watching his video's and listening to his voice brings you just a little step closer than reading his books and being in his pressence will be like a spiritual explosion "if you are ready to receive it".


Nobody can teach you meditation! You can only find it yourself! But it is very helpfull to find someone that has "real experience", not another preacher of beliefs.

Meditation opens your eyes, shocking, scary, beautifull, amazing, tears, laughter, peace.

You cannot meditate, you can only watch, witness with awareness what keeps you busy so it calms down. Then meditation comes naturally in the gaps that start arising, slowly slowly it grows. When meditation is there you watch it and relax, let it happen.


It appears so difficult because we are so used to being busy all the time and work to get somewhere, doing nothing has become difficult and challanging. (techniques help to leave that behind)

Don't fall in any traps! There are many ways we fool ourselves thinking we cannot do it. (Don't listen to anything you tell yourself, it stops meditation, only witness it, no need to fight mind, mind slowly calms down out of boredom leaving room for better things)


Personally I am not involved with E. Tolle but consider him of the same quality as other people that have helped me at times. He will be more in touch communicating with this culture than where I have been.

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