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Have just started the first chapter of The Power Of Now, and find you have to really read it very carefully, and cannot skip through it. I think I have latched on to what he is teaching. It is a very interesting book, and certainly holds my attention. I want to see what effect the whole book has on me, when I reach the last chapter.:)

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Have just started the first chapter of The Power Of Now, and find you have to really read it very carefully, and cannot skip through it. I think I have latched on to what he is teaching. It is a very interesting book, and certainly holds my attention. I want to see what effect the whole book has on me, when I reach the last chapter.:)


It's definitely a book best read alone without distractions.

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It is great for mental and physical health perspective.


The major benefit is that you feel more confident, you can concentrate better.


Start under some expert. CDs or DVDs may not help as much.

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I cant wait to get in bed each night and read it. Wonder what I will learn from it ?


The message and technique are simple in essence, to not listen to the internal chattering mind that we all have, the dialogue that plays in our head as we go along with our life doing the shopping, collecting the kids from school, in the shower or whatever...


This chattering mind (it's our ego - the sum total of our upbringing, life experiences and cultural background - everything we believe to be true) always talks to us about our past and our future and therefore stops us from experiencing the present moment - once we learn to live in the present moment we experience life very differently.


Try not to over concentrate on reading, and don't be afraid to go back and read the chapters again and again - if you're in a hurry, just do the whole book quickly and then start again at a slower pace - it's surprising how much 'sinks in' even when you think you're not learning.


My offer of the audio book of this to you still stands, and always will - if you ever want to take me up on it PM me.


As I said in another post, I do meditate, and I've had 'The Power of Now' a few weeks but never find enough time to read it .... sometimes I think I don't make enough time to read it ;) and as such I've put my audio book version on my phone and I listen to it at times I'm walking down to the shops and back.


And finally - go on youtube and search for the man, listen to him talk - he really is a truly genuine spiritual teacher.

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And finally - go on youtube and search for the man, listen to him talk - he really is a truly genuine spiritual teacher.


Eckhart Tolle I assume? I think he packages up his material very well, in a way I guess most westeners can digest.


The primary spirital teacher, I would say, is your own being, and being in tune with the universe around you, if you quieten the mind, you can hear it prompt you. Follow it.


Lots of other good spirtual teachers on YT. Quite like Mooji and adyashanti is good too.

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When you say ways to go deeper do you mean self hypnosis ?


sounds like relaxiation not meditation.


maybe you'd be better doing that.


I found self hypnosis really worked for me I stopped smokin useing it,and I'd been a smoker for 25 years .

I"d try"d stopping useing different meditation techniques but had no success .




self hypnosis and meditation are two different things

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The message and technique are simple in essence, to not listen to the internal chattering mind that we all have, the dialogue that plays in our head as we go along with our life doing the shopping, collecting the kids from school, in the shower or whatever...


This chattering mind (it's our ego - the sum total of our upbringing, life experiences and cultural background - everything we believe to be true) always talks to us about our past and our future and therefore stops us from experiencing the present moment - once we learn to live in the present moment we experience life very differently.


Try not to over concentrate on reading, and don't be afraid to go back and read the chapters again and again - if you're in a hurry, just do the whole book quickly and then start again at a slower pace - it's surprising how much 'sinks in' even when you think you're not learning.


My offer of the audio book of this to you still stands, and always will - if you ever want to take me up on it PM me.


As I said in another post, I do meditate, and I've had 'The Power of Now' a few weeks but never find enough time to read it .... sometimes I think I don't make enough time to read it ;) and as such I've put my audio book version on my phone and I listen to it at times I'm walking down to the shops and back.


And finally - go on youtube and search for the man, listen to him talk - he really is a truly genuine spiritual teacher.


if the chattering mind is ego who's "us"

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