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And when you are happy with meditation you could always try Transcendental Meditation. This is great fun but can also be a little scary at first. Apparently you are not supposed to do this without guidance the first few times as it can result in something like OOBE's.


Just thought I would take the discussion one step further ;)



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Originally posted by wendygs

A lot; breathing if done properly is a very highly powerful force with an equally powerful impact upon the body. Most people tend to have a very shallow in-breath which is of no use or ornament to the body. It takes much skill and practice to learn how to breath correctly so all parts of the body benefit from a correctly controlled in and out-breaths. It's difficult to learn how to do it properly. :D:D


Ok I was flippant and apologise. as I said I'm just getting into meditation.


Possibly a reason for this is getting frustrated at a lack of easily found local sources for instruction/advice. What I'm getting is through buying books and online sources.


Any advice on local sources (for me more towards rotherham)for meditation and/or breathing would be useful for myself and I believe for the originator of this post


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I have a really good tape from a welsh ashram which I use to meditate.. I don't think I could just sit quietly and do anything constructive without the structured class style environment.


The tape guides you through breathing through your third eye chakra and up and down your spine which sounds freaky but is really good... makes me feel alot calmer and happier. The guy on the tape has a lovely calming voice.


Theres a bit of chanting at the beginning and end which sometimes makes me laugh myself silly but other times a good chant is just what I need!

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Xafier check this out




simple advice, its all I do at present & works enough for me to want to know more


I use a cd I got from hypnosishealthcare.com


4 x 15min tracks, bells & water to help you breath @ 6,5,4 & 3 breaths per minute. Got to do with alpha waves apparantly. You can listen to parts of his cds over the net. has the desired effect. Couldn't listen to his guided stuff though his voice irritated me, but then that is my problem



"A mind that has been stretched will never return to it's original dimension." Albert Einstein

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I'm not sure that I would use meditation for the wakefulness issue as I need to concentrate too much for meditation- I find a good relaxation routine better for that.


I do find meditation extremely helpful in dealing with difficult situations- recently I had an MRI scan which dictated that I had to spend over an hour and a half strapped down to a bench, posted head first into the scanner, which sounds like you're inside a pneumatic drill. Thankfully the noises have a rhythmic pattern to them which is perfect as a focus and to use a timer for breathing, or I'd have panicked about the close confines.


But you need to practice while you're calm before you can use meditation in a stressful situation. I'm lucky enough to have had a meditation tape made for me as part of dealing with my cancer treatment, but you can learn without tapes.


The times that you will need it most will be when it's hardest to concentrate, so like JoeP, it just may not feel natural for you when you are stressed. You may need to have rehearsed an internal 'soundtrack' to think along with. It's welll worth the work though.

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My Athlon CPU makes quite a gentle roar, which I find quite therapeutic.


It also generates enough heat to roast marshmallows and brew a nice cup of hot chocolcate.


Does this count as meditation?

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  • 1 year later...

I'm thinking of taking up meditation (don't laugh).


I think it would actually help me a lot but I know that I'm going to be really bad at it to start with, I simply can't clear my mind of thoughts!


Does anyone do it, and do you have any tips?

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We have to do it as part of training and we get the occasional visit from a Monk. Yes it does work.


Good for nerves, clearing the head and also good for recovery after excersize btw, breathing control.

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