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It is meditation in a way joto, as your mind is switched off for the time being. In meditation you go even deeper.


I tend to go into "Zombie", I do this whilst interesting soaps like east enders and the like are on.

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Interesting thoughts from the book The Power of Now.



Can you be free of your mind whenever you want ? Have you found the "off button " ?


This is the difference between mindful meditation techniques and other techniques.


Mindfulness doesn't 'free' you of your mind, it makes you absolutely and totally aware of it, and its nature. I have never tried being free of my mind, I'm not sure its possible?


It certainly has no resemblence to any Buddhist meditation, although it does sound similar to some Hindu ideas.


I would like to meet someone who has this ability to talk to, it would be really intetesting, I might even go out and buy the power of now myself to have a look at, thanks Pattricia.

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Harmony is the epitome of undifferentiated dullness, all interest stems from conflict.





When I was a younger man I toured the country playing my bass guitar. I lived the 'dream' of anyone who wants the rock n roll lifestyle. I drank almost everyday, and it was a choice between seeing the early ours in with either drugs or women.


When I started getting interested in martial arts I gave that life up, I developed punishing training techniques and spent many years pushing my body to the limit, to the point where now if anyone accidentally hits me they usually make a comment about how hard my body is.


I have trained in Chinese martial arts and pro wrestling, and spent many years teaching self defence.


I can assure you, from experiencing almost every sensory pleasure going that there is nothing, absolutely nothing I have experienced that comes anywhere close to the absolute rapture that the harmony of resting aware in meditation brings.


I just thought I'd share that with you.



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When the off button happens meditation is possible anywhere, anytime, and slowly comes easier. It grows and mind slows down.


Mind is an illusion, a dream, we think it is real and identify with it. When you observe, watch, with awareness the energy moves to the witnissing reality.

No need to do anything else, any efford shall interfere with the natural proces.

We often think we are in charge, but not here, we can only interfere with the proces.

Meditation comes freely when watching, witnessing with awareness.


It is very different from what we are used to and full of surprises.

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When the off button happens meditation is possible anywhere, anytime, and slowly comes easier. It grows and mind slows down.


Mind is an illusion, a dream, we think it is real and identify with it. When you observe, watch, with awareness the energy moves to the witnissing reality.

No need to do anything else, any efford shall interfere with the natural proces.

We often think we are in charge, but not here, we can only interfere with the proces.

Meditation comes freely when watching, witnessing with awareness.


It is very different from what we are used to and full of surprises.


To my mind, the pure awareness of the moment, and tuning out the anticipatory and reflective thought as you describe (and Pali alludes to) is a nice place to visit, but you wouldn't want to live there.


Plus, there's further to go on the awareness spectrum. That's the beach where you wash up at first, there's spectacular inhabited geography inland.

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When I was a younger man I toured the country playing my bass guitar. I lived the 'dream' of anyone who wants the rock n roll lifestyle. I drank almost everyday, and it was a choice between seeing the early ours in with either drugs or women.


When I started getting interested in martial arts I gave that life up, I developed punishing training techniques and spent many years pushing my body to the limit, to the point where now if anyone accidentally hits me they usually make a comment about how hard my body is.


I have trained in Chinese martial arts and pro wrestling, and spent many years teaching self defence.


I can assure you, from experiencing almost every sensory pleasure going that there is nothing, absolutely nothing I have experienced that comes anywhere close to the absolute rapture that the harmony of resting aware in meditation brings.


I just thought I'd share that with you.






In my miss-spent younger days, did various drugs to death; which I had several terrifying experiences with. After, that, I did Chinese Taoist health arts for many years (Tai Chi, Kung Fu, and a whole spectrum of other things, all with the emphasis on health and well-being).


I can say, absolutely, for me, the best high in the world, is a natural one. By being healthy, in body, mind, spirit, emotions, your whole being feeling well and happy, and swimming with Chi.


To my mind, nothing beats that, there's no down side, it costs very little, other than the dedication and years of hard work you put in to training.


If you're into Donovan (hippy folk music), he does a good version of Riki-Tiki-Tavi, you should check out. Natual high is the best high in the world...


Am sure some here won't agree, but that's cool, and we're all good friends I hope. :)

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