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I've used meditation for everything from relaxation to coping with an hour of being stuck head first in a scanner, unable to move.


Once you get into practice, it's a really handy skill.


If you can make it to the cathedral on a Monday lunchtime there's a group meditation that I used to love going to- I can't get to it any more though :(

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I'm thinking of taking up meditation (don't laugh).


I think it would actually help me a lot but I know that I'm going to be really bad at it to start with, I simply can't clear my mind of thoughts!


Does anyone do it, and do you have any tips?


Yes, i've done it. you don't have to clear your thoughts though, just 'observe' them, and be aware of them, like you're watching waves in the sea...watch them rise, and then fall...


i'm hoping to get to the meditation class in the cathedral that medusa referred to - i think i't at 1.00pm till 1.30.

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...no, i don't think so.

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Thanks guys! I'm defiitely going to go to the meditation class on a Monday I'm free at that time on a Monday so it'll be worth a try...


Is there anywhere online that I can read about how to do it?

I have a book but (and this just shows WHY I need to meditate) I don't have the patience to read it!

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