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Oh yeah, I used my bedroom for this. I could hear traffic outside as it was early but that soon fazed into the distance.


I guess a totally quiet room would be better but hard to find.


I also sat cross legged, bolt upright to get air into the lungs. I put my hands palm down on the floor - dont know if this matters.

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Oh yeah, I used my bedroom for this. I could hear traffic outside as it was early but that soon fazed into the distance.


I guess a totally quiet room would be better but hard to find.


I also sat cross legged, bolt upright to get air into the lungs. I put my hands palm down on the floor - dont know if this matters.


I cannot cross my legs comfortably on the floor, so sit on a chair, with my palms facing upwards. In the beginning the meditation seems to take ages, but eventually time goes quickly. That shows youve been " in the zone".:)

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Hoping to gain anything continues the proces of thinking you are to get something out of your effords.

Thats fine, nothing wrong with it, everybody does it but meditation comes when you drop the desire to get something out of it.


It will all come now when leaving all bussines aspects behind and deeply trusting meditations absense is due to desires to gain, get, achieve.


When open minded, no expectations, just let it take you, no need to control, after a while it is there, free, unexpected, a new experience, let it be a surprise.


When done for a purpose, to get somewhere or achieve something. It will only be an exercise of the mind strengthening its needs for control and power.


I appreciate those instructive comments dutch,and the input from others with knowledge and experience,not just for the benifit of myself but for others just viewing this thread.

It seems i have still much to learn,but i have a clearer understanding now.

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Oh yeah, I used my bedroom for this. I could hear traffic outside as it was early but that soon fazed into the distance.


I guess a totally quiet room would be better but hard to find.


I also sat cross legged, bolt upright to get air into the lungs. I put my hands palm down on the floor - dont know if this matters.


As far as I'm aware (others may think differently) it doesn't matter.


The formal way of sitting (I hesitate to use the word correct) is pretty much a standard in all religious meditation (and most secular) with a few adjustments in hand position and which holes you breath in/out of.


I'll talk you through the way I was trained and you can try that, it may or may not be of benefit to you (I don't use it myself, years of toughening my body for martial arts/wrestling has left me somewhat inflexible)! I tend to just sit on a chair, but the rest of my seating is the same as the upper body in this description.


I'll just give you a brief background on why some people consider formal sitting so important before I give you the instructions themselves, most western secular meditators seem to stick to the physical structure, though wether they do it because that's how they were taught or because there is some inherhant importance in the particular posture I suppose is down to the individual.


The position of sitting meditation is said to be the ideal position for the internal energy flow around the body. Regardless of wether the meditator is from an Indian tradition in which case they would consider the energy Prajna (which can be roughly translated as both breath and wisdom) or a Chinese/Japanese tradition (which would consider the energy Chi (Qi) or Ki (Japanese), the basic reasoning is the same. The better the energy flow, the more concentrated the mind can become.


First sit with your legs crossed, left foot on right thigh, facing upwards, right foot on left thigh.


Sit with your back straight, and imagine that you have an invisible cord gently pulling at the top of your head straightening your spine (this incedentally is also the posture for standing in Tai Chi/Chi Kung and Yoga)


Place your right hand in your left, thumbs touching, palms upwards.


Tilt your chin slightly downwards, partially open your lips and rest your tongue on the roof of your mouth.


Close your eyes and breath in through the nose, out through the nose.


Like I say there are variants, but they are all pretty much of a muchness, I find a chair most comforting, I couldn't sit in the lotus position if I tried these days :hihi:


Give it a go/don't give it a go, it's up to you, but it's there if you want to try it, and you've had a history lesson if nothing else :thumbsup:

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I guess a totally quiet room would be better but hard to find.


To begin with i would suggest the quieter the better, simply just to get used to the feeling.


Once you're reasonably comfortable with it though you'll be able to do it anywhere, at any time.

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I appreciate those instructive comments dutch,and the input from others with knowledge and experience,not just for the benifit of myself but for others just viewing this thread.

It seems i have still much to learn,but i have a clearer understanding now.


Did not instruct you. You are free to do and go where you want.


I was attempting to share experiences about meditation, If you want instructions I will not give them.

Maybe it is a different experience for you, anything is possible, be free individual. Please do not become a carbon copy of me ever and hope to gain, desire anything you want.

You could be the first person receiving meditation through desire, anything is possible, really, a new discovery.

If it works I love to learn more about it.

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Did not instruct you. You are free to do and go where you want.


I was attempting to share experiences about meditation, If you want instructions I will not give them.

Maybe it is a different experience for you, anything is possible, be free individual. Please do not become a carbon copy of me ever and desire anything you want.

You could be the first person receiving meditation through desire, anything is possible, really, a new discovery.


Look forward to the new discovery.Certainly have no desire to be a carbon copy of anyone.:hihi: quite the reverse.

I will always be an individual.

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Great. Please never see my expressions of experience as instructions. If someone does take them as such I instruct them to go elsewhere and forget all about me.

Only a free meditator can find the inner silence of meditation.

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I like this thread. Thank you all for contributing your insights.


Just like to say, that any critisizm I have ever aimed at any other person, for whatever reason or fault; 9 times out of 10, that very same fault manifests in my own being. Indeed, where that not the case, I would fail to recognise it as a fault in others.


Plus, it's not my place, or obligation, to go about offering unsolicited advice or pointing out other peoples' flaws.

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