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Janie was born clean. Someone taught, convinced her to be a christian, Now she possibly thinks or believe that.


janie, only used your name and this situation as an example of how people think, believe they are something, someone, religious.


I believe I am a donkey. Gonna get some c arrots now, tomorrow Ill be a monkey.

When that is all over my true self can come back again, it has always been there, I just kept believing I was something else.


Is it not possible that your 'idea' of freedom that you keep professing is itself just a learned state, but just one that refuse to acknowledge? After all, you gravitated to a thread about 'meditation'.


Surely that in itself is an attachment?


And once again you allude to this being born clean, which I totally agree with, yet everything is learned, so how can you be sure, I mean really sure, that what you experience as free isn't in itself a form of bondage?


I'm not having a go dutch, I'm genuinely curious as to how you know, really know, in the purest way, that you aren't just as much a slave to what you believe as those you claim are slaves themselves?

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hello darkness my old friend I've come to......................


your friend paul simon might help you out on that one .:hihi:


And in the naked light i saw

Ten thousand people maybe more

People talking wihout speaking

People hearing without listening

People writing songs

That voices never heard

And no one dared

Disturb the sound



Pure poetry. Bridge over troubled water is another great one.

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We are coming closer richard. You are not jumping on my boat but still I feel like you are really trying to connect on an equal level now, your questions are spot on regarding this topic.


Yes it is possible that someone can learn a mental state of learned freedom. This mental state of freedom will always be mental and attached to its teachers, scriptures, beliefs.


I am still in bondage, my spaces of total freedom are few but now strong enough to be certain a flower is budding and it wants to open and move on towards flowering but it has not flowered yet.


I have a lot of respect for you richard, you are energetic, strong and your search is intense. When I am in bondage I see you as my enemy and get angry and competitive, when freedom is there I am prepared to sacrifice my live to share that freedom with you and everybody out there.


My moments of freedom started coming by accident. I was looking and looking, meditating just like you. one day I made a cup of coffee in the kitchen. Suddenly a shock, surprise, it came out of nowhere. It is only the beginning but growing stronger and stronger as long as I keep aware of it.

Everybody on this forum genuinely curious in the purest way shall be certain the fruits will come.


Richard your last two scentences made me cry with joy. You will find the answer when you find the answer in yourself and I am certain you will find it. Never go dutch they are idiots just like everybody else, I am the worst of them.

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janie, only used your name and this situation as an example of how people think, believe they are something, someone, religious.





Thats okay dutch, i'm fine with that on this occasion.I think it might be better to leave the religious reference out of it now though.It may spoil it for other people.

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Im so pleased that my meditation thread has caused so much interest. I think you can go too deeply into meditation techniques , and most people will just practise the basic meditation which PaliRichard advises.


This is my third week of meditating,and Im so pleased with the results. The thing is, new thoughts and ideas come into my head the more I meditate. What will the future bring for me now ? Im hoping for :


Inner strenght





Its great to hear that Pattricia,after only three weeks to reach that stage is so inspiring.

I'm so glad you opened this thread.

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I just looked in on this thread for the first time in a while, how on Earth has it gotten onto religion ? !!


Now youv'e made me chuckle. If you look at a few of todays posts you will see.Today was the first mention of it,or yesterday i should say now its Saturday.:hihi:

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Now youv'e made me chuckle. If you look at a few of todays posts you will see.Today was the first mention of it,or yesterday i should say now its Saturday.:hihi:


Ahh I see now.


For what it's worth, I used to meditate in my 20's. Pattricia's goals should be reached in no time if she continues.

I still kind of meditate in bed before sleep, it helps me go to sleep laying flat on my back (I have a great night's sleep like this). It's quite amazing how much difference meditation, focus or even just breathing pattern exercises can make to your life. It can even change your perception of the world.

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Regarding the silent retreats - why would anyone do that? I'm interested. It sounds awful to me.


Try having a noisy, hectic or over-active day. Every day.


Then spend an hour in a hot bath with the lights off and a single candle lit. It's bliss.

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Ahh I see now.


For what it's worth, I used to meditate in my 20's. Pattricia's goals should be reached in no time if she continues.

I still kind of meditate in bed before sleep, it helps me go to sleep laying flat on my back (I have a great night's sleep like this). It's quite amazing how much difference meditation, focus or even just breathing pattern exercises can make to your life. It can even change your perception of the world.


Yes i've only done meditation it a few times.,and i can feel a little benifit.First couple of times i struggled. I'm only doing 5 minutes twice a day now.Draggletail suggested 5 mins,to begin with.I started with 15 minutes the first couple of times.

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