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My GP told me about distraction techniques, redirecting your thoughts. My mind was on terrifying medical matters, bad enough without being made worse by worry and imagination. All I did was take up a couple of hobbies, hobbies which can be done anywhere and anytime. Photography is one of them. The anxiety, depression etc. lifted. The blood pressure still crops up now and again but meds plus relaxation takes care of that.

Only thing I cant get to grips with is a regular sleep pattern, Doc reckons its Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, I just call it a pain in the arse. Thank God for the internet, when I cant sleep I just log on and research info for my hobbies. I have passed on what I have learned to other cancer sufferers and they have sent good reports back.

Thats whats so good about this thread,great contributions like yours.

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I started sleeping better more or less from the start. What amazed me is my BP,

Every time I went for my check up it was always high'ish even though I'm on 4 different tabs, think its called white coat syndrome.

When I went last week it was nearly normal, and that was from walking in the door, I used to have to have it taken twice, so I'm really chuffed as I must be calmer..:(

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My GP told me about distraction techniques, redirecting your thoughts. My mind was on terrifying medical matters, bad enough without being made worse by worry and imagination. All I did was take up a couple of hobbies, hobbies which can be done anywhere and anytime. Photography is one of them. The anxiety, depression etc. lifted. The blood pressure still crops up now and again but meds plus relaxation takes care of that.

Only thing I cant get to grips with is a regular sleep pattern, Doc reckons its Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, I just call it a pain in the arse. Thank God for the internet, when I cant sleep I just log on and research info for my hobbies. I have passed on what I have learned to other cancer sufferers and they have sent good reports back.


How wonderful to get positive reports back like yours. I once told a cancer sufferer that I thought she had courage. She told me it wasnt courage, but that there wasnt much she could do about it, having three children to look after, and that she just had " get on with life".

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not sure if anyone will be interested or not but I've just added an overview and instruction for meditation to my web page (see my signature for link).


It is aimed at non Buddhists (despite it being a Buddhist web site) due in part to this thread and other interested parties contacting me over the last few months for meditation instruction.


I hope it proves to be of benefit :banana:

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I'm not sure if anyone will be interested or not but I've just added an overview and instruction for meditation to my web page (see my signature for link).


It is aimed at non Buddhists (despite it being a Buddhist web site) due in part to this thread and other interested parties contacting me over the last few months for meditation instruction.


I hope it proves to be of benefit :banana:


Great web page Richard. :thumbsup: I'll have a look at the whole web site later.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

WOW its actually taken me 2 days to get through all this thread :hihi:


but it has been a brilliant read, and has made me want to start meditating again. i do have a go every few months or so but the fact i always end up asleep put me off. the last time was a couple of weeks ago in my office :hihi: good job it was only my son that was gorpin at me through the window.

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