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I've done a bit of meditation over the last few months (though been slack with it recently) and can deffo see how it can help for lots of things


I have trouble in any sort of class like that though, last one i went to I had the giggles all the way through ..it was agony trying to hold it in for over an hour, I kept getting images of simpsons episodes, something funny my OH had done or said etc and just looking at the budha and hearing others rumbling stomachs was creasing me up.


I kept having to poke myslelf hard in the eye :|to stop myself from litteraly rolling around the floor in hysterics and if i had started i wouldnt have been able to stop .

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There isn't that much to it, to be honest.


Sit down, close your eyes, and just exist for a while.


It is a good way to clear stress, along with copious amounts of exercise.


Can do the whole om mani padme hum thing if you want, but you don't have to.

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Meditation only exists in the mind. The world around you does not change, merely your perception of it. It is thus a kind of brainwashing.


It's not brainwashing any more than staring at the sea is brainwashing. Of course it's about perception, all theories and therapies to deal with stress and emotional states 'only exist in the mind'. That's no reason to dismiss them - our entire experience of life is filtered through perceptions. Our perceptions are what we have control over even if circumstances are beyond our control. What's wrong with washing your own brain? ;)


As I said before, everyone has experienced 'flow states' which are common, but most people do not harness or nurture them in a conscious or controlled way. Once you learn how to do that your effectiveness and contentment levels shoot up. You become more patient and detached from dependence on outcomes. You combine a state of relaxation with a potent concentration. It has effects on your physical health too. It's a simple way of improving your moods and reactivity.

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A really basic part of meditation is learning to sit comfortably with silence. If you can do that - and not run away, you've got it. It doesn't have to be absolute silence, as long as there isn't anything big and distracing grabbing your attention, it should be fine.

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