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Negative energy/presence in my house

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The house where I live at the moment gives me the feeling of being watched and its getting incresingly uncomfortable. At first I thought it was just me but friends and others have mentioned they feel similar, someone describing once describing it as a "dark hole" (thanks alot!) and others claim to have felt a thick atmosphere. This is especially true on the stairs and in the upstairs rooms of the house, particularly one bedroom.


Since I moved there 3 years ago lots of bad/negative things have happened in my life, and the longer I live there the worse this negative feeling gets. I can only describe it as a forboading energy, its got so bad that I've been close to tears on my way home from work at the thought of going back there and I'm not entirely sure why. I'm not talking about ghosts or things moving but more of an oppressive, uneasy feeling, like theres always someone else there. I've also started sleepwalking/talking/having nightmares over the period I've lived there.


I feel like I'm going out of my mind and when my partner is working away I find this particularly hard to deal with and feel drained because I can never relax. He however claims not to feel anything, and probably thinks I'm abit mad!


Has anyone had any similar experiences or know of any ways to try and deal with this kind of thing? I'm a sensible, rationale person who usually thinks this kind of thing is a load of rubbish, any help, advise would be appreciated.

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I used to live in a house like that, needless to say I didn't live there very long! I could never settle and went for weeks without sleeping properly. I once woke in the night and saw a huge, black mass shift pass the bed :(


I'd say that, although I totally believe in the presence of spirits, etc, be careful you don't work yourself up too much. Although I think that us humans have a kind of sixth sense, I think the more emphasis you put on it, the more of an issue it will be. I used to dread going home too, but thinking about it now, around 90% of the time I spent in that house, nothing happened. It was just scary at the time.


If even relaxing about the subject doesn't do much, try asking your local spiritualist church for help. :)

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There was something on recently, it turned out to be very low frequency noise (i.e. 5Hz to maybe 18Hz) that caused this sort of sensation including visions too. Annoying, it was very recent and I can't remember where I saw it.


I think one case they found a fan somewhere was blocked, sorted it and the problem went away.

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we once lived in a house like that, there was something very weired about the top of our stairs (landing) we use to run past the landing straight to the toilet and shut door :hihi: on walking back down we use to hurry down the stairs because any moment we felt like we was going to be pushed...


we thought it was just us untill a few years later one of our friends who came to visit regularly over the 8 years we lived there said, i need to go to loo, we said well you know where it is, he went on to explain that he never goes to our toilet ever because he gets a weired feeling from our landing like somethings watching him and that he gets a feeling hes going to be pushed down the stairs on the way back down!we all just looked at each other in shock!.... it never dawned on us that infact he never did use our toilet all that much!


the house im living in now is so much better... i can go to the loo in peace!

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There was a room in a house we lived in in Glasgow where you never really felt alone. When we used this bedroom, the mains driven clock in the mantlepiece ran backwards, and went forwards again when we moved back out of it


Even if there was bright sunlight streaming through the window, there was a patch which was always stone cold (even with the sunlight on it)


The people who lived in the house before us had a snooker table in this room, and the daughter and grandmother shared a bedroom - odd


Many years later, my dad was working on an airport down south (can't remember if it was Heathrow or Stansted) and he met a bloke who used to live in Glasgow. Comparing notes between them, it turns out that this bloke lived in the house that backed onto ours, but moved out around the time we moved in


Without my dad mentioning the 'issue' with the front bedroom, this bloke told my dad about a doctor living in our house previously. Needless to say, when there was a very serious RTA outside our house, the injured party was carried into the front bedroom of our house, and expired there

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Someone I know had very similar sensations where she used to live. The best way she could describe it was a "heavy feeling", unsettling and feeling like someone was watching you.


I've also read an explanation that it's to do with very low frequency sound waves or "standing" waves. They are inaudible to humans, but you'll often find some animals get very unsettled in the environment, e.g. dogs will start barking and growling at apparently nothing.


From The Sunday Telegraph...


LONDON -- Ghosts may have a scientific explanation after all. New

research into a real-life "haunting" has revealed that all the classic

signs of ghosts can be explained as the result of very low-frequency

sound waves trapped inside buildings.


The sound waves -- capable of being triggered by nothing more than

the wind passing over walls -- cannot be heard by human ears. But

scientific tests have revealed that they have effects on the human

body that can account for visions of wraith-like appearances, and even

the feelings of cold and terror that accompany them.


The explanation emerged after a chance discovery by a university

academic who found himself involved in a haunting late one night in

the laboratory of a medical manufacturing firm in England.


Vic Tandy, an expert in computer-assisted learning at Coventry

University,had been told that the building was haunted, but dismissed

it as a joke. He changed his mind after the events that unfolded one

night as he worked alone in the office.


"I began to feel increasingly uncomfortable," he recalls."I was

sweating but cold, and the feeling of depression was noticeable -- but

there was also something else. It was as though something was in the

room with me."


"Then I became aware that I was being watched, and a figure slowly

emerged to my left. It was indistinct and on the periphery of my vision,

but it moved just as I would expect a person to. It was grey,and made no

sound. The hair was standing up on the back of my neck -- I was



Mr. Tandy plucked up courage to look at the apparition face-on -- only

to see it fade and then vanish. "I decided I must be cracking up, and went



The explanation emerged the following morning. Mr. Tandy,a fencing

enthusiast, was modifying one of his swords and had left the blade

clamped in a vice while he went in search of oil.


"When I returned, I noticed that the free end of the blade was

frantically vibrating up and down," he said.


Mr. Tandy, a trained engineer, realized the blade might be receiving

energy from very low-frequency sound waves filling the laboratory --

so low that they could not be heard.


Tests duly revealed the existence of a "standing wave" trapped in the

lab which reached a peak in intensity next to Mr Tandy's desk, where

he had been working when he saw the "ghost."


"It turned out to be caused by a new extraction fan,which was making

the air vibrate at about 19 cycles per second. When the fan's mounting

was altered,the ghost left with the standing wave."


Working with Dr. Tony Lawrence of the university's school of health,

Mr.Tandy has now discovered the significance of this rate of vibration. In

research published in the latest issue of the Journal of the Society for

Psychical Research, they reveal that "infra-sound" around this frequency

has been linked to a whole host of physiological effects --including

breathlessness, shivering and feelings of fear.


Most significantly, research by NASA, the U.S. space agency, has shown

that the human eyeball has a resonant frequency of 18 cycles a second, at

which it starts to vibrate in sympathy to infra-sound."This would cause a

serious smearing of vision," says Dr. Lawrence.


While acoustic experts have known about the health effects of infra-sound

for many years, before now no one had made the link to ghost sightings.


Mr. Tandy said he has since come across two more "hauntings" where

low-frequency sound may be to blame.


"One occurred in a corridor of a building that had a wind-tunnel in the

basement, and it was operating at the time of the sighting," he said. He

added,however, that the wind blowing over a window in a side wall of a

long corridor might be enough to create a standing wave,similar to that

formed by a person blowing over the neck of a bottle. "It would be

interesting to look at reports of haunted houses, to see if the "ghosts"

tend to appear in long, windy corridors."


The discovery of the infra-sound effect is already creating a stir among

experts in paranormal phenomena. "It is very interesting,as it gives us

another scientific variable we can fit into the picture," said Professor

David Fontana of the University of Cardiff, a former president of the

Society of Psychical Research.


But Mr. Fontana insisted that infra-sound was unlikely to be the

final answer.


"It cannot explain those cases where there is some interaction between

the person and the apparition -- as there is with poltergeists, for

example. The problem is that whenever you get a potential explanation like

this, you find that there are a whole lot of things it cannot account


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Do you own the property, are you in a position to alter the layout and decoration? Sometimes relatively small changes can make a huge difference to the feel of a house.


Having said that, some places do have an oppressive aura. We stayed in a holiday cottage in France once that was like this. None of us are superstitious or irrational people but there was definitely something not quite right with that place, nobody ever wanted to be left alone in the house and there was a constant feeling of being watched. We cut our holiday short and left a couple of days early as none of us could stand it any longer.

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we once lived in a house like that, there was something very weired about the top of our stairs


I felt the same in my last house- on the landing. It felt like something was there, sometimes. Not in a harmful way, just 'there'.

I moved out after new year- and feel nothing in my new house

saw a tarot card reader a few weeks ago, and she randomly mentioned 'the little boy at the top of your stairs meant no harm'. stange and random comment to make!

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