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What to do about neighbours dog barking


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Guest busdriver1
No it doesnt.


So you can judge my feelings then, clever boy. Trying to report it would be a good start. THEN if nothing happens you can say it was a waste. Without trying they definitely will do nothing.

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So you can judge my feelings then, clever boy. Trying to report it would be a good start. THEN if nothing happens you can say it was a waste. Without trying they definitely will do nothing.


I never said i could.

So let me get this straight. You FEEL the dog is being mistreated and so because youy FEEL that is the case then the RSPCA must act?


Its not about feelings im afraid, clever boy :)

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Guest busdriver1
I never said i could.

So let me get this straight. You FEEL the dog is being mistreated and so because youy FEEL that is the case then the RSPCA must act?


Its not about feelings im afraid, clever boy :)


The OP stated quite clearly that the dog is let out for approx 3 minutes daily, if you do not FEEL that is cruelty then you are a strange person indeed. I will stick with my original opinion that I feel this is cruelty to the dog.


P.S. Thanks to some of the posts on this forum I realised very quickly that by comparison I am clever, well done for noticing.

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my next door neighbour is a weird one to say the least but anyway she bought a puppy roughly 8 months ago, they keep the dog in the bedroom next to ours, every morning since they bought the dog it barks and barks and bloody barks, starts at around 4am and continues till around 10am, our walls are paper thin and i can even hear the lady go to the toilet at night, however i havent heard not once her shouting at the dog to be quiet or even get up to see what it is barking for, she just leaves it and it seems just sleeps through! my husband has to be up for work every morning at 5am, its just not on, ive got a recording of the dog barking what it sounds like whilst we are in bed and forwarded it to the council.... this was 3 months ago and still nothing has been done, its getting beyond a joke! our only lay in is a sunday and to be woke up at 4am is not nice... is there anything else i can do, ive been to speak to her but she never answers the door and completly ignores me when i approach her when she lets the dog on the back garden for all of 3 mins, she doesnt even take it for a walk anywhere!


The poor pup is lonely, it needs a stuffed toy to bond too. We have the same problem where I live but I pulled the owner of the dog and told her she had to get something done about it or I would report her to Sheffield Homes, I also reminded her that dogs were not allowed in our properties to which she replied "We moved in with it" I then reminded her that she had signed a tenancy agreement saying No dogs or cats and she had obviuosly ignored, to cut a long story short Ive never heard the dog bark or whine since although they still have the dog.

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If the dog owner is a council tenant or rents her house then a word with the land lord may be in order. Also if you do complain to any organisation or anyone you think may be able to help then always ask for a call back when they have decided on a course of action and also ask them how many working days it will be before you will recieve a call.

The RSPCA wont be able to do much as although we may see it as cruel lack of exercise will not have them swooping in and removing the animal.

If you talk with 101 or the council always ask for a name of the person who will be dealing with your issue and so if you then need to ring them back you've got a name.

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The lady needs to understand that the barking is a nuisance and if left as we're told then it stands to get worse as it gets older. Tricky when you only get one side of the story. Barking is not necessarily a cruelty issue. The dog is inside the house so it has shelter; can only assume its fed and despite only getting 'three minutes exercise' it is allowed out to pee and poo.

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The OP stated quite clearly that the dog is let out for approx 3 minutes daily, if you do not FEEL that is cruelty then you are a strange person indeed. I will stick with my original opinion that I feel this is cruelty to the dog.


P.S. Thanks to some of the posts on this forum I realised very quickly that by comparison I am clever, well done for noticing.


Still not cruelty.

And the rspca will say the same so i guess that makes them strange too.

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