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The British don't want work..

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I tell you what I bet some young shelf stacker's across the country that are full time employed must feel worthless right now with some the crap coming out from the media this week.


The media has only been reporting that multi-millionaire Tory politicians don't believe that supermarket workers deserve to be paid the minimum wage for their labour...

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In 1972 a young man of average intelligence (or even less than average) could easily get a job with total job security, could get somewhere to live and get married and have kids. He could afford to keep a wife and family. He had a feeling of self worth and dignity. This has changed drastically. It began with the Thatcher government, but every government since the bitch until now have sought to destroy peoples independence and job security.


This has resulted in a situation where only privileged people can make it. The person of average intelligence or below can no longer achieve, so they have given up. Governments have destroyed their dignity and motivation, then call them idle!


Foreigners on the other hand are strongly motivated. Most of them come here for a fast buck, then go home wealthier. I am working alongside a Pole now who is saving money , sending every penny home. His motivation is that within a few years he can buy his own place in Poland, where housing is much less expensive. Everything is expensive in England and we are taxed to the hilt. English workers cannot compete on an even playing field because our governments tax us to death and make everything unaffordable.


You don't half spout some dross. A good part of the problem is that too many people believe this rubbish. Good luck living in the 1950s. I suspect they won't be coming back any time soon.


By the 1960s the bubble had well and truly burst and the "working man" was heavily subsidised by tax payers paying between 33% and 98% income tax.


Some of us live on planet Earth in the 21st century where global competition means anyone can buy their goods from anywhere. Since the 1960s they haven't been buying from UK plc because they can get better and cheaper elsewhere. The companies that survive are largely high tech like Rolls Royce. Sheffield could be part of the high tech world but chooses not to. Instead the city produces generation after generation of lazy, workshy, illiterate lefty loons who expect to be kept in tens of thousands of unskilled but highly paid jobs doing God only knows what. The only place you get those are at the council and despite their best efforts they can't employ the entire city.


Foreign workers come here because there are jobs for them to do. End of story. If the locals were doing those jobs they would have no need to come. The unpleasant reality is that the chavvy underclass are unemployed because they are unemployable. The council employs any and every lazy jobcentre reject it can but businesses trying to survive in a tough climate have to be more selective. They need hard working, reliable people with a good work ethic. If those people are Poles or Lithuanians or any other legal person they are doing what is right for them, not you.

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