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The British don't want work..

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If it had been built in the middle of the Manor estate no doubt the council would have the same ethos in employing local people.


I doubt it. There would have cries of 'racism' and 'preferential treatment'. But not, of course, when it's S4.


When I started this thread, I absolutely knew that certain people would want to derail the main point of the thread.


There's stifling a debate. There's closing down an argument. And then there's


Have you ever considered standing on the leeward side of a suspension bridge and hurling yourself from it?


Why don't vermin like you lay off the pop and come back when you've got something intelligent to say?


(The 'Report Post' button is to the lower-left. But then you already knew that.)

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...at least that's the usual claim from those defending our outrageous and unsustainable 'immigration policy'.


I've today heard from an impeccable source the following:


When Tesco applied for planning permission for the giant Savile Street store, Sheffield City Council would only grant said permission if Tesco 'employed 100 hundred staff from the local area' (Pitsmoor, Burngreave etc.).


Tesco liaised with the DWP to supply said staff from it's burgeoning ranks of unemployed and 100 were duly sent along.


Tesco complained that hardly any of the 100 could speak English and therefore would not be offered positions.


Now this is social engineering on a diabolical scale and something I hope the press look into.


Let us know your impeccable source because we are interested as a Forum.

I have been to this store three times and find that most buyers are of other ethnic origins so what is there a problem if Tesco make money albeit I think that Tesco was started by a jewish family and to find that many shoppers are of the islamic faith can only be could for the country.

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Unemployment among ethnic minorities costs the economy almost £8.6 billion a year in benefits and lost revenue from taxes.


Half of Muslim men and three quarters of Muslim women are unemployed.


So they can't be nicking our jobs then, can they? Could you provide some evidence for your claim.

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Why don't vermin like you lay off the pop and come back when you've got something intelligent to say?


Ahh dee-dums, you don't like it back up you do you?


Your whole hypothesis is flawed, but then you can't let that get in the way of a good rant against immigrants can you?

"I've heard today from an impeccable source"


The local BNP representative?


Any fool knows there are unemployed people who live local to the new Tesco who speak perfectly good English, I could walk you up there this morning and find 100 English speakers, black, white, Asian, immigrants and non immigrants, presumably they just didn't apply for jobs there if your impeccable source is correct of course.


Would you like to qualify your claim that immigration policies are 'outrageous and unsustainable'? Or are you merely expressing an opinion as a fact in order to raise the temperature against them?


(The 'Report Post' button is to the lower-left. But then you already knew that.)


Totally alien concept to me fella, I'd much rather see your crass utterances and roast your arse publicly.

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I think its only right that local people should be considered first. Its those who will have all the disruption and extra traffic etc. If it had been built in the middle of the Manor estate no doubt the council would have the same ethos in employing local people.
I doubt it. There would have cries of 'racism' and 'preferential treatment'. But not, of course, when it's S4.


You're the only dimwit bringing race/immigrants into it.


Your OP refers to a requirement for 'local people', you're extending failed logic to conclude that means immigrants/non whites.

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Unemployment among ethnic minorities costs the economy almost £8.6 billion a year in benefits and lost revenue from taxes.


Half of Muslim men and three quarters of Muslim women are unemployed.


..but the other 50% and 25% respectively are all doctors ;)

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