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The British don't want work..

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After the closure of the mines, steelworks and many manufacturing plants, there were millions unemployed because their jobs had gone.


These job losses have never really been made up.


Some were absorbed by the Labour government's attempt to employ them in the Public sector, the only industry where they could directly create jobs, but this led to the over-manning that the Conservatives have seen fit to dismantle.


Many went into the retail sector which is now shrinking, but the majority without work became the underclass wich is now into the third generation. It's a pretty miserable existance in many cases.


This recession is just another shaking out of the chaff in the employment sector. The jobs lost are unlikely to be replaced, so the underclass grows.

Many of the underclass are unemployable because they have lost the skills and the habit of work, and forcing them into none-jobs is going to do nothing to turn there lives around.


The problem is lack of meaningful jobs.


I would like to see a lot more job sharing. If we all worked half the hours, there would be work for all and more leisure time for everyone too. This was the plan back in the seventies, when we were all going to have more leisure.


Of course there are big problems to be overcome, and a need to rethink the whole work life balance, and the sharing of wealth. Employment red tape would need to be cut, a system of benefits / tax cuts necessary to make up the shortfall in wages etc. and I'd like to see some of the wealth/profits of the major companies used to help.


But the advantages are huge too. We would have high employment, money would trickle down the economy, a doubly skilled workforce, parents with more time for the needs of their children, a happier more productive workforce, and a future for all, not just some.


This isn't a radical idea. It was on the agenda way back in the seventies when we were told we were heading towards a leisured society. Instead we have half the population working harder and longer than ever, resenting the people who can stay in bed in a morning, and the other half bored and penniless with no stake in society and no hope for the future.


Just an idea...


At first glance, you'd probably think that I'm a fat cat exploiting workers, putting down the poor and causing the problems that you rail against.


But if you want to have half my hours you'll probably be working longer than you are now.

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oh really? What do you think made the British Empire great?


Was it young children working up chimneys and down mines? Was it the working classes living in dreadful conditions and dying from all kinds of diseases?


Was it the army being used to break up strikes by the poor, or indentured slavery? Or was it the legacy of Empire, which dictates that Britain has to suffer mass immigration and became a deeply divided multi-cultural society against the clear wishes of the majority of its population?


The British Empire was great for wealthy Britons, who got richer under it.

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At first glance, you'd probably think that I'm a fat cat exploiting workers, putting down the poor and causing the problems that you rail against.


But if you want to have half my hours you'll probably be working longer than you are now.

take away the hours you spend on here and she probably works more than you :hihi::hihi::hihi:
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Was it young children working up chimneys and down mines? Was it the working classes living in dreadful conditions and dying from all kinds of diseases?


Was it the army being used to break up strikes by the poor, or indentured slavery? Or was it the legacy of Empire, which dictates that Britain has to suffer mass immigration and became a deeply divided multi-cultural society against the clear wishes of the majority of its population?


The British Empire was great for wealthy Britons, who got richer under it.


Im really talking about the legacy of the British Empire, and the wealth global capitalism created for this country, which like it or not we're all beneficiaries of.

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That maybe so but its not Cricket to compare the worst of British workers to the best of overseas ones.


The reason this happens so frequently these days is to try and justify mass economic immigration and to pander to a deep seated racially motivated hatred of British born workers and job seekers...

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At first glance, you'd probably think that I'm a fat cat exploiting workers, putting down the poor and causing the problems that you rail against.


But if you want to have half my hours you'll probably be working longer than you are now.


Formerly Admin at Sheffield Forum, fat cat, probably lame duck.

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Totally alien concept to me fella, I'd much rather see your crass utterances and roast your arse publicly.


Har-de-har. You 'roast my arse publicly'???


By calling someone a dimwit? By wishing me dead? Christ, I'm up against a towering intellect here...


Anyway, you take the next few rounds. I've got a life and I'm off out. You keep adding to your 20-odd thousand posts with your one free hand.


And try reading your own sig.

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At first glance, you'd probably think that I'm a fat cat exploiting workers, putting down the poor and causing the problems that you rail against.


But if you want to have half my hours you'll probably be working longer than you are now.


I thought you were a LibDem.

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