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The British don't want work..

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I heard some of those who did get jobs and did turn up were then promptly sacked for nicking stuff. I suppose they are now back on their ample backsides soaking up my tax money and doing nothing. I hope Tesco called in SYPD.


I think it shows the desperation of the council to get the unemployable off their hands if they now only grant planning permission to anyone willing to take on the workshy. Of course, in the long it will just deter even more businesses from coming here.

do you have a link for this or even some evidence?
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The blatant discrimination being used to employ ethnic or Eastern European labour in preference to white British people in some workplaces is so wrong and should be brought to the attention of our politicians ..... how on earth is it better to employ people who struggle with basic English for starters ? I am more than suspicous of the motives of any employer or agency who does this !!

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The blatant discrimination being used to employ ethnic or Eastern European labour in preference to white British people in some workplaces is so wrong and should be brought to the attention of our politicians ..... how on earth is it better to employ people who struggle with basic English for starters ? I am more than suspicous of the motives of any employer or agency who does this !!


Spot on my friend. I have been asking the same questions for years. Not only white British are affected. We have British people who are not white but they are being short changed as well. Every migrant from Eastern Europe creates another benefit claimant for us to fund. It started under Labour and the Torys have allowed it to continue. Is it to keep 'us Brits' in check ?? My company employs loads of 'em. The locals cant get a look in. The company would be happy if ALL the Brits left, then they could operate 100% on migrant labour. Fine for the company.......but a load on the taxpayer.

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I heard some of those who did get jobs and did turn up were then promptly sacked for nicking stuff. I suppose they are now back on their ample backsides soaking up my tax money and doing nothing. I hope Tesco called in SYPD.


I think it shows the desperation of the council to get the unemployable off their hands if they now only grant planning permission to anyone willing to take on the workshy. Of course, in the long it will just deter even more businesses from coming here.


You heard nothing but have sought to alarm people.There is no SYPD- you watch too much USA TV.Are you a trainee journalist as you are highly inventive?

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The blatant discrimination being used to employ ethnic or Eastern European labour in preference to white British people in some workplaces is so wrong and should be brought to the attention of our politicians ..... how on earth is it better to employ people who struggle with basic English for starters ? I am more than suspicous of the motives of any employer or agency who does this !!


One employer I spoke to, and I speak to many, said that they tried to get local workers (in this case the business was in Barnsley) but most of them were unsuitable. They either didn't want to work, or they turned up hungover, or they rung in "sick" on a Monday morning, every Monday morning, or they just left after a few weeks because "work is hard".


He had an agent to send him Lithuanians. He thought they were great, turned up, worked and weren't pished.


Now obviously not every homegrown job applicant is a wastoid, but there are enough of them around to persuade employers to look elsewhere. Which in turn disadvantages local people who really want to work.

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One employer I spoke to, and I speak to many, said that they tried to get local workers (in this case the business was in Barnsley) but most of them were unsuitable. They either didn't want to work, or they turned up hungover, or they rung in "sick" on a Monday morning, every Monday morning, or they just left after a few weeks because "work is hard".


He had an agent to send him Lithuanians. He thought they were great, turned up, worked and weren't pished.


Now obviously not every homegrown job applicant is a wastoid, but there are enough of them around to persuade employers to look elsewhere. Which in turn disadvantages local people who really want to work.


When I went to Barnsley a few years ago having not been there for about 6 years I was amazed at the number of east and central Europeans there. I thought there can't possibly be such a labour shortage in Barnsley that the local economy needs to import labour. However there are a lot of working class people who need to be rounded up on a morning and escorted to work. I don't want to exaggerate how many there are but when I was growing up there was no such thing as a chav. Now it's a lifestyle choice for a lot of people.


40 years ago - before the miners strike - working class people wanted and expected to work. Since then successive governments have allowed a social tendancy to grow where a lot of people only want and expect to live off benefits. The only way to get round it is for a government to be as ruthless to them as Thatcher was to the miners. They'd have to stop their benefits, give them work to turn up to and not pay them if they didn't. I can't imagine any government having the vision and determination to do that - Thatcher in reverse.

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...at least that's the usual claim from those defending our outrageous and unsustainable 'immigration policy'.


I've today heard from an impeccable source the following:


When Tesco applied for planning permission for the giant Savile Street store, Sheffield City Council would only grant said permission if Tesco 'employed 100 hundred staff from the local area' (Pitsmoor, Burngreave etc.).


Tesco liaised with the DWP to supply said staff from it's burgeoning ranks of unemployed and 100 were duly sent along.


Tesco complained that hardly any of the 100 could speak English and therefore would not be offered positions.


Now this is social engineering on a diabolical scale and something I hope the press look into.


Have you ever considered standing on the leeward side of a suspension bridge and hurling yourself from it?

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