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The British don't want work..

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If you were working for British Steel your job was 40% subsidised by tax payers. Could you have afforded a house on 40% less wages?


We're all subsidised in one way or another really. In fact back to the OP Tesco is by having free labour ie people on benefit paid for by the tax payer. Or they were before they kicked out of the scheme.Then there's the banks...no doubt there's plenty of other examples..


There aren't many people who wouldn't work for a decent salary. What we are seeing now is people refusing to work for rubbish wages in rubbish jobs for rubbish companies with rubbish prospects.


If very poor pay is offered then you will naturally get very poor applicants. That's how it is these days. If the jobs were 10 pound per hour then there would be some very able people apply.


It may not be morally right to refuse to work for a pittance but if you can be just as well off at home then you'd have to be pretty stupid to work for nothing.


Successive governments have destroyed traditional working class jobs and now we are reaping what they have sown. Young people have been betrayed by the ruling classes and it can only get worse...

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Successive governments have destroyed traditional working class jobs and now we are reaping what they have sown. Young people have been betrayed by the ruling classes and it can only get worse...


No they haven't. Global economics have made what you call "traditional working class jobs" go to places where they can be done cheaper and better. Young people have been betrayed by an education system that turns out illiterate, thickos with a bad attitude and no understanding of how the world works.

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What if I was, which I'm not?


Political persuasion is no bar to hard work, innovation or generally being clever.




Tone, once again we find you being rather economical with the truth, you have claimed previously never to have voted Tory, now you tell us you are not a Lib Dem. if you are a supporter of the Coalition, please come clean and tell us which party you DO support.

Many thanks.

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In 1972 any person who reached adulthood could go down to the council offices and put their name down for a council property, along with a preferred choice of area. Within several months they were usually offered a two bedroomed flat if they were single or a house if they were a couple. I know this to be true as I got a new flat when single. The rents were very cheap and I would guess that at todays prices would cost around £40 per week. All working people could afford to pay rent.

and i think your still living in 1972, move on fella, times have changed, somethings for the better, some things for the worst, its life

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When I lived in Malaysia they were flooded with Indonesians, Thais and Burmese. All illegals but all earning more than they could at home. It's an international reality that wealthy countries attract economic migrants. Germany and France have similar problems. It's not a problem unique to Britain. The British just have culture of something for nothing so they won't do low paid jobs when they could be models or footballers or gangstas. Of course the tax system which needs to plunder every penny from everybody to keep our ruinously expensive public services going doesn't help the low paid either.


Rubbish. Britains work some of the longest hours in Europe; it is known that over 5 million workers regularly do unpaid overtime (in the private and public sector); millions more people freely give their time and energy to voluntary organisations; and research from the Prince's Trust shows that youngsters growing up in areas of high unemployment worry about their fufture prospects.

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Tone, once again we find you being rather economical with the truth, you have claimed previously never to have voted Tory, now you tell us you are not a Lib Dem. if you are a supporter of the Coalition, please come clean and tell us which party you DO support.

Many thanks.


I appreciate that as a slavish card carrying Labour Party member you might simply not understand what I'm about to reiterate, but I don't support any particular party.

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