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The British don't want work..

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What can I say ?19th century ?obviously you didnt study history at school,the days of owt for nowt is certainly prevalent in todays society more so than in the past ,ask any banker with their obscene bonuses and MP's with their constant fiddling of claims..take the blinkers off.



What do you expect after 13 years of Labour?

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If you were working for British Steel your job was 40% subsidised by tax payers. Could you have afforded a house on 40% less wages?


Your point is fair. If it requires subsidy...SHUT IT!


What about banks?......Does it not apply to banks?


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errrrm 2 points


1: wasnt the 70s as bad if not worse than the 80s / 90s?

winter of discontent, rubbish in the streets, 3 day weeks, nf marches, riots etc etc


2: you make it out as tho having young people is a new phenomena??

havent we always had young, middle and old aged people? :huh::confused::help::suspect:




3 day week, riots etc............................what were the bad bits?:suspect:

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