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The British don't want work..

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Whereas tory economics is selling something, like the railways, to your friends at a knock down price and then continuing to pour public money into it while your friends pay themselves dividends. After centuries of that it's no wonder we're in the state we are.


Which, of course, Labour did everything to rectify. Oh no, that's right they didn't. They just poured more money into the pockets of the friends of the Tories. Nice.


So you admit that the tory policy of selling public assets to friends and then continuing to pay them was one which needed rectifying?

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So you admit that the tory policy of selling public assets to friends and then continuing to pay them was one which needed rectifying?




Absolutely true in the case of the railways only. The privatisation of the railways was a shambles compounded by Labour's incompetence and Network Rail's cavalier attitude to safety. In the end Network Rail were so bad at everything they had to be taken under state control. That's a measure of just how truly awful they were.

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Find your own evidence.

If you are too thick to know that is your problem.

By God who do you think you are?



Aaaah the last resort of the lefty loon. When faced with losing an argument or having to prove a sweeping statement they always resort to abuse. Which pretty much proves my point about lefties always resorting to violence and/or abuse.

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Find your own evidence.

If you are too thick to know that is your problem.

By God who do you think you are?


Ooo, hark at you Mavis, you've got your pants on the wrong way around. :)


There isn't any evidence. It is an invention, though Max was using it as a rhetorical flint knapper rather than a terminological inexactitude.

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Ooo, hark at you Mavis, you've got your pants on the wrong way around. :)


There isn't any evidence. It is an invention, though Max was using it as a rhetorical flint knapper rather than a terminological inexactitude.


Went off the wrong cannon there.

But this "evidence please" thing irritates me beyond all bounds.

If someone is stating a fact, we all know to be true, why should he need to give evidence regarding it?

We are are not in a court of law, it is a few people having a row, or discussion whatever you want to call it.

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Absolutely true in the case of the railways only. The privatisation of the railways was a shambles compounded by Labour's incompetence and Network Rail's cavalier attitude to safety. In the end Network Rail were so bad at everything they had to be taken under state control. That's a measure of just how truly awful they were.


Its tit for tat but incidentally it was Railtrack PLC who were the privatised network infrastructure company with the shoddy safety record. Network Rail is the government subsidary who took over the shambles.

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