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The British don't want work..

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40 years ago - before the miners strike - working class people wanted and expected to work. Since then successive governments have allowed a social tendancy to grow where a lot of people only want and expect to live off benefits. The only way to get round it is for a government to be as ruthless to them as Thatcher was to the miners. They'd have to stop their benefits, give them work to turn up to and not pay them if they didn't. I can't imagine any government having the vision and determination to do that - Thatcher in reverse.


Working class people have never wanted to work, we have to work.


And as for your devotion to Thatcher, it was her who started all this unemployment business, remeber?


4 million unemployed is a price worth paying and all that?


The miners were striking to keep jobs, not lose them.


It was Thatcher that was throwing good hard working men on the dole, on the advice of her american advisor on monetarism.

She spent all our North Sea revenue on unemployment compensation.


By the time she was ousted, the work ethic was lost, and we have ended up with the lost generations.

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One employer I spoke to, and I speak to many, said that they tried to get local workers (in this case the business was in Barnsley) but most of them were unsuitable. They either didn't want to work, or they turned up hungover, or they rung in "sick" on a Monday morning, every Monday morning, or they just left after a few weeks because "work is hard".


He had an agent to send him Lithuanians. He thought they were great, turned up, worked and weren't pished.


Now obviously not every homegrown job applicant is a wastoid, but there are enough of them around to persuade employers to look elsewhere. Which in turn disadvantages local people who really want to work.


More hearsay evidence to denigrate the poor,more generalisation and demonising.

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