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The British don't want work..

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Where did I say that?:huh:

Stop making it up sunbeam.

He is Polish and has incentives. He can achieve his goal with the money that he earns here. English youngsters cannot due to massive taxation.:)


ok to put it another way, how much tax DOES a pole working in this country pay?

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In 1972 a young man of average intelligence (or even less than average) could easily get a job with total job security


And that's exactly what caused our economic bankruptcy in the 70s. It's a policy that should have been reversed thirty years earlier, when the pain involved in changing it would have been negligible.


Instead, it didn't get reversed until the early 80s, by which time the pain involved was enormous.

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Plus he is in a highly skilled job so salary is high.:)


..and he didnt get that by being a dimwit did he? Unlike our own who he's apparently denying employment despite the advantages that have been granted them throughout their lifetimes.

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A Pole working in England can save a meaningful amount of money in a few years because the money that he earns is taken back to a country that is not taxed to the hilt. He can buy a good house in Poland for £30,000.

His CPP allownacces and child benefits make it even more worthwhile.

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