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Eating Healthy on a Budget

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To eat healthy you need good, fresh, local produce which will cost you a bit. We survived on a diet back in the old days ok, so maybe if you stopped reading media rubbish on what we should, and shouldn't eat would be a start.

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To eat healthy you need good, fresh, local produce which will cost you a bit.....


Simply ... not true.


Good produce... preferable.

Fresh produce ... preferable, but frozen veg is as good, if not better. Frozen meat is just as good (health wise).

Local produce ... is irrelevant to the 'health' argument.


Good basic food is far cheaper than you claim.

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Simply ... not true.


Good produce... preferable.

Fresh produce ... preferable, but frozen veg is as good, if not better. Frozen meat is just as good (health wise).

Local produce ... is irrelevant to the 'health' argument.


Good basic food is far cheaper than you claim.


Frozen veg or meat is not as good as fresh.

Local produce is fresh and will always be better for health (always checking how the animal was fed)


I would suggest using vitamin tablets these days.

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Frozen veg or meat is not as good as fresh.

Local produce is fresh and will always be better for health (always checking how the animal was fed)


I would suggest using vitamin tablets these days.


You trolling?


Frozen veg is often best.

Reduction of nutritional value and the breakdown of vegetables begins the instant that they are harvested. Freezing halts that on the instant it is frozen.

Fresh produce is decaying during the fortnight that it takes to get into your shopping bag.


Meat? loses no health value by freezing. Is often nicer and more tender to eat if hung for a while but the overall 'health' of it doesn't get reduced by freezing.


Locality is irrelevant to the health value of the food.


Vitamin tablets have virtually been proved to be useless (with the exception of C"

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You trolling?



Vitamin tablets have virtually been proved to be useless (with the exception of C"


There is more than a little evidence that multivitamin tablets are actually bad for you.


It is much better, and safer, to eat plenty of fruit and veg.

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I stand corrected!

Thank you .... as I scuttle off to Aldi!


You should - sift through some of the less healthy options and it really does have some bargains........jars of olives (great in pasta) at 60/70 pence. Alaskan salmon at £4.00 or so or 4 frozen fillets.... big bags of prawns for £3.00



I sound like an advert from them don't ?

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15 or 20 kilo sack of rice is costing around £20 to £30.


... as compared to supermarket brands at £1.50/100g.


rice is the best kind of food to eat, if you only have to eat one thing. Millions of people all over the world just eat rice and nothing or not much else many if not most days and they can stay reasonably healthy on just that. There's nothing better as a staple food than rice. Of course it gets boring if you eat rice three times a day, but so does anything else.

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Buying daily isn't an option for me, but I manage to feed myself for about £20 a week.


Tuna at Morrisons is only around 40p a small tin.

I do a supermarket sweep once a week or fortnightly.

Bear in mind it's a round trip of 34 miles so I fit in with other commitments.


Breakfast is usually cerials.

Lunch: sandwiches, scrambled egg on toast, beans on toast, cheese on toast...

One evening meal.


Evening meal:

Home made curries cooked in bulk and frozen.

A good old fashioned fry up.....bacon, egg, tomotoes, mushrooms.

Breasing steak (done in the slow cooker) with spuds and frozen veg

Pork Chops, frozen veg....


The list is endless.


The secret is to keep the freezer well stocked and only buy things when on offer or reduced nearing sell by date.


Works for me.

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