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Tunisian cigarettes allowed in kid's luggage

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The cases were mine, the contents of the cases were also mine. Finally I paid for the baggage allowance therefore the weight of the cases and the contents were MY responsibility. Oh and the luggage tags had my name on them. So what's so disgusting?

Honestly, this forum makes me laugh!!


Well, firstly you broke the law. If the contents of the bags were yours, you evaded duty on them. If the contents were not yours then you used your children as smugglers.


Secondly, I suspect you brought the cigarettes back to smoke them rather than to use an ornaments. This means that your children are being exposed to the toxins within cigarettes whenever they are near you, even if you don't smoke in the same room as them; research has shown that the toxins lodge in your skin, hair and clothes and that as children get picked up and cuddled and so on, they breathe in an awful lot of this stuff. If you smoke in the house they get loads from the carpet too - it settles there, and kids spend more time on the floor than adults.


But there you go - that's my opinion - using your children to smuggle goods and/or evading import duty are both illegal. Smoking is bad for your children.


Those are both facts. However, if it makes you feel better, you can imply that people who object to it are in the habit of having abortions you don't approve of.




Feel better now? I would never abort a child as they will be useful as alcohol smugglers just as soon as they are strong enough to carry a crate of lager.

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There is a device known as a golulé. Its favoured amongst certain (but not all) groups of certain (but not all) persuasions who feel that "You can't beat the real thing'.


You could (if you really wished) go to such a place for your holiday and you might well find that you (and the well-lubricated arse of your small child) would be very welcome.


Are you outraged by this yet? - You should be!


You lot (who are more than ready to impose your own laws on outsiders) are now debating using children to smuggle tobacco into the UK?


Are you human? Which sort of humans use their young as bait?


Well said, the original post is an outrageous suggestion and the OP ought to be ashamed using children as mules

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I went on a ski trip with school and the teachers all used it as a booze cruise filling the undercarage with beer and wine at callais.


Calais is in France, which is part of the EU. They were legally able to bring back as much alcohol as they wanted as long as it was for their own use.

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