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Tunisian cigarettes allowed in kid's luggage

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Yay - Hitler has been mentioned.


Can we stop this now? It's illegal however you slice it, and that is all the OP wanted to know.


It's illegal, but many people do it and you don't really get into trouble if you get caught.


Worth a punt if you ask me!

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It's illegal, but many people do it and you don't really get into trouble if you get caught.


Worth a punt if you ask me!


Just watched a programme on customs, and a guy came through with 36,000 cigarettes, and claimed he thought it was 200 sleeves, not 200 cigarettes maximum!


As it was under 40,000 he didn't get arrested, they just got confiscated, not sure if he got a fine or what as I turned over.

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Why does everyone keep saying "using kids to smuggle cigarettes"?

Did these kids pack their own bags? No body is using kids to smuggle cigarettes. Its the adults smuggling the fags. The kids bags may be being used but not the kids themselves!! It's not like someone has stuffed 200 fags up the poor sods back side!


People push their luck all the time with cheap cigarettes. If you get caught, so what! Pay the duty or dump the fags. End of!


This is what happens when cigarettes are taxed to buggery in this country.


People may have said that but I didn't. I said if you want to smuggle cigarettes do it but don't try and hide behind a kid!

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