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EDL scum at it again.


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The majority (99.9%) of the EDL are racist and Islamophobic. I think deep down you know this but you don't want to admit it.

I 'll admit it if you can show me concrete proof ,it would be a lie to say I know it as a solid fact because I dont and why wouldnt I want to admit it, as a opponent of the immigration policies of this country I wish the EDL and the BNP would "do one" and then maybe some party with a bit of power would take the problem on without fear of being labelled racist ,thanks to the BNP and its satellites the opposition of immigration is now a forbidden subject and anyone questioning it is automatically labelled facist racists as is shown on this forum on a daily basis.Immigration needs to be tackled but in the chambers of power and not out on the streets,broken windows and burnt out cars will only lessen the resolve of those that can do something about it to commit themselves to the problem.

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dear god man you're thick - fundamentalist muslim/al qaeda blows up a train = all fundamentalist nutters who resort to violence are scum NOT all MUSLIMS.


bunch of violent english racist thugs trash a community doesn't mean all ENGLISH are scum, but it does mean anyone who joins or sympathises with them are.


if ENGLISH and EDL mean he same to you, then you're deluded.



Not so you and others on here seem to want your cake and eat it according to the link quote:-

"A 35-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of a public order offence and police assault and a 14-year-old boy was arrested for causing danger to a public highway."

and thats out of a crowd of 200 people and nothing as been proved that said people were EDL rather it was a crowd that had gathered in protest at 11 asians who have been accused of grooming young girls ,i would have thought the protesters had a valid cause there wouldnt you ?

Now apart from the 2 mentioned there wasnt,as far as im aware any other arrests so therefore in regards to the OP's link the words EDL scum at it again are a blatant lie.

Now even if it were the EDL at their games 2 arrests out of 200 is a little bit on the minority side dont you think ?would that be akin to minority muslim attacks which people are quick to point out ,as I said they want their cake and eat it..make your minds up does a minority in action speak for a far greater majority ...or does it only work that way when it suits the agenda of muslim apologists.

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  • 1 month later...
The racist, Islamophobic BNP/EDL chavs are not really known for their intelligence.



The EDL are not racist, how many more times?


Interesting how Yuri questions the first bit of CXC3000's criticism of the EDL but not the second.

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