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Bad Habits & Addictions

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What are your nasty habits and guilty pleasures and have you ever managed to cure them.


Mine used to be biting my nails, fidgeting a lot and being a bad loser, but now I do not care less if I lose at a game and grew out of it a long time ago. Now my guilty pleasures are spicy foods, chocolate and picking at the skin on my fingers.


On a more serious note, bad habits can lead to addictions and negative mind sets, I have been a rather negative person over the years due to mental problems and things never working out as expected, this can only feed to doing things that are unhealthy and detrimental to your physical well being.


Negativity is damn hard to overcome as well as living an unhealthy lifestyle, also being isolated and not having that daily interaction with every day life is also a factor. People look at addictions as something that just happens and we can not do anything about it, smoking, alcohol and drugs for instance.


We are our own people with our own minds, we make a choice to stick with something for the short term but years down the line you are still keeping with it, so regarding addictions they can be overcome, drugs and alcohol only feed each other, if one does not work then people go to the other for their short term fixes. Smoking is more of a fashion statement when people are younger, thinking that it makes them older and so that they fit into a certain crowd, not knowing that it will keep them addicted for life if they keep at it for prolonged use.


What I am getting at is that some addictions can easily be solved from day one, I have been offered all sorts of things especially in clubs but I make a choice, yes or no. If I go with yes then chances are I could have a nasty side effect and stop or I like it and want more.


I would love to be a positive person, wake up every morning and seize the day, be happy and smile, eat healthy and feel on top of the world, but in reality that is just not possible, I instead always think about what I have not got in my life as to what I can live without, I always feed into this belief that if things do not work out the way I want them too then there is no point carrying on, and always being scared the older I get the more I drift away from what I really want out of life, some days are better than others but things are always in your mind, like something tapping away waiting to be answered and when you think you have solved one issue, there is another issue freshly made ready to be dealt with and overcome again, a vicious circle.


What are other peoples thoughts on this as am sure I am not alone thinking this way.

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