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Don't buy the Sun on Sunday!!

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I don't think the Murdoch empire is under any threat soon. Sky TV earns money hand over fist. The sun is the biggest selling newspaper in the country and i will bet my house that The Sun on Sunday becomes the biggest selling sunday paper.


Journalisam is a dark arts where their all as bad as each other. Paying people for information is practised by all papers. Find me a newspaper that isn't a dirty shade of white and I'll eat my hat.


the empire isn't at risk - the emperor and his idiot heir are - the murdochs have made a lot of bad business decisions and their being implicated in criminality damages the empire's brand. hopefully the end of the murdochs as movers and shakers in british politics.


perhaps they could wrestle crocodiles in the outback.

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Most business men do make bad decisions, learn from them, then make good ones. The Sky brand is going from strength to strength so thier is no challanges to remove James Murdoch as chairman. No criminal charges are currently being brought against any murdoch family member. The Levison enquiry seems to be a lot of hot air while achieving very little substance. As far as I am aware, no criminal charges have yet been brought against anyone arrested from the sun.


I am no lover or hater of murdoch, but I reckon the sun on sunday is going to prove to be a very shrewd business move. Other papers I do believe are all ready lowering thier prices in the wake of what the must be percieving as a threat .

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Most business men do make bad decisions, learn from them, then make good ones. The Sky brand is going from strength to strength so thier is no challanges to remove James Murdoch as chairman. No criminal charges are currently being brought against any murdoch family member. The Levison enquiry seems to be a lot of hot air while achieving very little substance. As far as I am aware, no criminal charges have yet been brought against anyone arrested from the sun.


I am no lover or hater of murdoch, but I reckon the sun on sunday is going to prove to be a very shrewd business move. Other papers I do believe are all ready lowering thier prices in the wake of what the must be percieving as a threat .


wow! a media empire is rocked by the arrest of many of its leading journos and execs, there is a major judicial enquiry into its governance and methods - nowt to worry about.


as the digger might sat say - 'strewth mate'

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wow! a media empire is rocked by the arrest of many of its leading journos and execs, there is a major judicial enquiry into its governance and methods - nowt to worry about.


as the digger might sat say - 'strewth mate'


The judicial enquiry is into press standards, not just the Murdoch empire. As of yet, nothing is proven against the Murdochs, and if anything is brought against any of its people, you can bet they will be hung out to dry and the business will move on. Happens in all businesses, look at RBS. Fred the shred was the sacrificial lamb (and rightly so) and the business moved on.

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remember milly dowler?


respect her memory by not buying murdoch's latest piece of crap - walk past it in the newsagent tomorrow and let him know what you feel.


the unsold copies can be pulped and used to make toilet paper.


Wow i bet you have a massive impact on sales tomorrow frank ....... not :loopy:

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I can't believe I'm defending The Sun, but the claim in The Guardian that the NOTW hacked her phone and deleted voicemails have been declared to be false.


That may be but digger still agreed a substantial payout to the Dowler family. Why do so if NI had behaved properly?

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The judicial enquiry is into press standards, not just the Murdoch empire. As of yet, nothing is proven against the Murdochs, and if anything is brought against any of its people, you can bet they will be hung out to dry and the business will move on. Happens in all businesses, look at RBS. Fred the shred was the sacrificial lamb (and rightly so) and the business moved on.


strewth mate - nothing is proved? they've just paid out vast sums to the people they hacked - dowlers family were paid 2 million, another 150 have come forward, there was a culture of law breaking with the threat of exposure for anyone who crossed them and it corrupted the politics media and police of this country - doesn't that make your blood boil? don't you feel angry that some asshole used media power and blackmail to infect the governance of the land you and your kids inhabit.


he paid 2 million quid to the bereaved family of a sex beast's victim cos his company hacked her phone - and you'll buy his papers?

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