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Don't buy the Sun on Sunday!!

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I don't think the Murdoch empire is under any threat soon. Sky TV earns money hand over fist. The sun is the biggest selling newspaper in the country and i will bet my house that The Sun on Sunday becomes the biggest selling sunday paper.


Journalisam is a dark arts where their all as bad as each other. Paying people for information is practised by all papers. Find me a newspaper that isn't a dirty shade of white and I'll eat my hat.


I remember reading somewhere that Murdoch's UK print media isn't a very profitable venture compare to his other businesses, he just likes the power that goes with selling the countries most popular newspaper. It does seem like he may have lost the power that the Sun had had, so I wouldn't be surprised to see him pull out of the UK print media market. This may be his last throw of the dice.

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remember milly dowler?


respect her memory by not buying murdoch's latest piece of crap - walk past it in the newsagent tomorrow and let him know what you feel.


the unsold copies can be pulped and used to make toilet paper.


I totally agree, I won’t be buying it but unfortunately people will.


Ford used to manufacture rot boxes but it didn’t, hasn’t and never will stop people buying them.

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post a review matey - which bits you particularly enjoyed, which celebs have been 'at it', how wonderful the afghan war is, who will be the next manager of england - my favourite bit is the comet and argos adverts -they're cool.


guess dead kid's phone messages will be left till the dust settles


A review of the Sun on Sunday.


Very, very good i have to say.

I got a little bit of print on my bum but its incredibly absorbant for a newspaper.

I did however get a tiny paper cut on my left cheek which was painful but nothing serious.:thumbsup:

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I just wouldn't buy anything I found untrue and lets be honest all papers are likely to print things just to improve the number of readers. Lots of stories are a matter of opinion and if you disagree with them it doesn't mean they are untrue.


Almost half of the people who bought the NOTW don't bother with a paper at all now. The more people who buy papers the more diverse the papers are.


Newspapers are no longer what they were at the turn of last century. ie there to provide news. Most of them are more like magazines, to entertain and provide a few hours entertainment. Your choice of magazine is determined by what you find interesting.


I find all this claiming of the high moral ground dependent on which paper you read evidence of bigotry and low intelligence, to be honest. The more people who read has to be a good thing.

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