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Invisible Army fiction writing group @ Bank Street Arts..

Jimmy 1984

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What about Eccy road as a meeting point? I've no idea how to get to Heeley, I'm not a native sheffielder and I don't have a car!


Everything else sounds ok. Only thing is that I've almost finished my novel and don't have any short stories under that word count so I'm not sure what I can contribute! I could send you the first chapter of my novel but I've already decided not to make very many changes at this point so it's just proofreading for me now.


I guess we'll have to decide how much detail we want to get into RE the critique. We could all agree to print out each others stories and make amendments in pen or through track changes on Word. But then some people might not like that. What do you reckon?

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Well to be honest I have almost finished my book aswell. I'm thinking of writing a synopsis of how the story begins, develops, and then start submitting work from some point near the end...I have no idea how this might go down but its the area I need to concentrate on, ie the ending....Eccy road as a meeting point is fine for me, I'm not massively up on what places are decent round there, any ideas? I am also new to the area by the way, moved in December...


Fat Dave - I totally agree you need to concentrate on the birth of your child! the only reason I said Thursday 15th is because Audra, another person interested in the writing group, is only available on thursdays...could do the 22nd?


I am going in on saturday morning to finalise so Thursday March 22nd - anyone any problems with this date?

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Morning people,


I have booked the room at Bank Street Arts for Thursday 22nd March at 7pm!! We should have the place to ourselves and I have a key .... Sarah D mentioned meeting up somewhere on eccy road to get to know each other before we begin so I was thinking we could do this on one of the Thursdays (this is turning into the thursday club) before the big opening day....


I am totally easy with where we go, Sharrow Vale Road looks nice and I have to admit the Porter House?? looks good from the outside but does the inside replicate this?? my first suggestion is the Porter House on Sharrow Vale Road then....8pm Thursday 8th March - due to Dave's child being born on the 15th...



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Porter cottage is a decent pub. It's not usually too busy in the week either. But I didn't mean to commandeer the location! As long as it's ok for everyone Thurs 8th in Porter Cottage is good for me.


Also congrats to Dave.

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Thursday 8th March, Porter Cottage it is then! its 10-15 mins walk for me, up a big hill like, but i don't mind!! we all need to bring something to recognise each other....everyone should bring their favourite book and make sure its visible?? perfect ice breaker...

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Ah I am not on facebook. It is going to be weird walking into a pub and not knowing who is there to meet us...ummmm can't think of a way round this, Im up for it though. Just make sure we stand by the bar? I would point people towards a picture of me somewhere on the internet but there isn't one sadly.


we could always just meet at bank street arts centre next saturday morning maybe? so that would be March 10th? I am going there for 10.30am ...


Who is coming then? if people feel weird about it we could just meet up on the 22nd?

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