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Originally posted by Draggletail

Fanny packs Sierra? :wow: *Draggles mind boggles* What's a fanny pack? Draggles mind continues to boggle ;)


Suspect you use the word differently to us.... I hope so anyway.... :D




Draggle, I just remembered why the British guy I used to work with laughed himself silly whenever we used the word fanny.


It means something completely different in America. I swear. This is a fanny pack.




*Apologizes to forum members, didn't mean to be rude* :blush:


:) Sierra

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Before I recommend your putative institute for funding from my Finnish investors can we please clarify one or two points? You mention the issue of exchange students which, under normal circumstances, we would broadly condone. However, in the same post you extend this facility to under-graduates from Liverpool. While having nothing against Liverpudlians per se, my backers would need assurance that any equipment not in use at any time be held in a secure environment.


The other point follows on from our trans-Atlantic colleague's suggestion that should anti-American Studies be considered then it would be wise to include real Americans in the body of academics. That is, to include Swiss nationals in the faculty administration.


This would have the double benefit of having on hand case studies for the student body plus supplying custodians of all items of value. They have, after all, a long history of retaining property of considerable value to which they have no claim.

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There wouls appear to be a great need for more accurate spelling, so maybe we could ask on the forum if there are any Wiccans out there who would like to contribute to the Faculty of Spelling.


Sheffield needs to be at the cutting edge of food technology in view of its rich cutlery tradition. Hence the need for more advanced catering courses... Perhaps some food company could set up a sponsorship deal. Would Knorr be interested?


The combined diploma could be designated as the Knorr and Spell Diploma.

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Your suggestions will be discussed at the next Senate meeting, in The Phil Oakey Centre. Please supply us with greater details regarding your Finnish investors. They are not, by any chance, Kiljunen, Kiljunen and Solarnen? Their 'offshore' facilities might prove terribly useful, in a very real sense.



Likewise, your helpful suggestion of a 'Knorr and Spell Diploma' will be put forward at the Senate meeting. On the day, we will be considering several other highly 'relevant' courses for accreditation. These include the demanding MSc. Really Hard Algebra [in response to the recruitment success for our B.A.[Hons] Hard Sums programme], and a Higher Diploma in Advanced Beyonce Studies. In the latter course, suggested by Dr. Hugh Groin, students get to meet the subject of their study at the end of their week-long programme. Actually, because of funding difficulties, they will meet Mrs Marcia Campbell [no relation] of Burngreave, who looks a bit like Beyonce. Admittedly, there have been teething problems with Marcia finding it both hard to fit into Beyonce-style 'Batty-rider' shorts, and to reproduce Beyonce's sexy American speech patterns; 'Ahm Booti-lishus, Ahm Booti-lishus, is that alreet for yer? Whey, at least seh summat- I've even put 't'tight shorts on fer thi - I thought tha liked me arse, Dr. Timo?!'

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Will it be possible to apply for funding (with a view to military production) to investigate why light from the red part of the spectrum causes muscular paralysis as evidenced by the number of cases where, when bathed in red light, drivers seem transfixed and unable to move either foot towards a brake pedal?

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Originally posted by Sierra



Draggle, I just remembered why the British guy I used to work with laughed himself silly whenever we used the word fanny.


It means something completely different in America. I swear. This is a fanny pack.




*Apologizes to forum members, didn't mean to be rude* :blush:


:) Sierra


Now I understand .... not some sort of incontinence or sex aid then ;)

They where very much in fashion in the UK in the early nineties Sierra.

They're called 'Bumbags' over here.

I wonder how that translates back..... :D

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Marcia Campbell does indeed teach on the Diploma in Elocution programme at C.U. Indeed, yes, she is a 'talented girl' as you suggest. The thing is, she is so modest and self-effacing. Butter wouldn't melt in her mouth, let alone anywhere else.

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