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Ladybird infestation

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Couldn't pest control get rid of them? Having said that, apparently their pheromones (sp?) will probably stay around long after they have gone, thereby attracting more. I'd have a word with pest control anyway to see if there's any way to get rid! Or bag them all up and give them to me mum for her garden as she's put a LOT of work into it but it slowly gets eaten each summer. We just seem to have very few ladybirds here, despite backing onto fields/woods etc?

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Ladybirds = Good (save them)

Harlequin Bugs = Bad (Kill them)


Ladybirds and harlequins look almost identical, ladybirds are good for our ecology because they keep down nuisances like aphids, but Harlequin bugs are not a native species to our green and pleasant land and are causing untold damage to natures fine balance.


The best way to tell the difference is by looking closely at their legs, a ladybird has black legs and the evil harlequin has red legs.


Like we do but not on such a grand scale huh! :|

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