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House keeping hygiene issues

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I live with two males (student and full time worker both under 30) I am the only female that lives in the house. I have a live in landlord, and at the moment I have a couple of issues. My bedroom has black marks on the wallpaper and windows it also smells of damn and I feel that there is condensation in the room and the double glazed windows aren’t sealed well. What can be done about it? Another bug bearer is the males leave the toilet seat up and since I have moved in there they have never left it down once. It is annoying me and I don’t know how to tell them without sounding like a nagging bitch. I am tempted to leave bleach on the seat so they bums burn lol. Also the lads never clean the kitchen or bathroom. They will wash their dishes but never clean the bathroom toilet and tub and kitchen surfaces. In fact the carpet has not been hoovered since last Nov and the vacum cleaner does not work!

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I'm afraid that this is pretty much the standard when sharing with young men, so you either accept it or you get on with changing it.


If you nag you will just start an argument, so if you want anything done then you are going to have to have a rota that is accepted and followed by all, especially if the people you share your house with (male or female) have until recently lived with a parent. So many young people just seem to expect things to be clean when they come to use them and have never even thought about the fact that in order to be clean and ready for use someone has to clean them!


When I shared a house as a student I found that I could either constantly argue with the blokes to do stuff around the house or I could work with them for them to avoid the worst of stuff they didn't want to do and lighten my own workload as a trade off.


I started a full list of what needed to happen for a room to be 'clean' and then started by offering to do the jobs that the lads hated (cooking, food shopping for everyone, managing the house budget to make sure that the bills were paid and cleaning the toilet). Once they knew that I'd do that they volunteered to do the other bits.


While I cooked (and cooking for 4 is really no harder than cooking for one) someone else always washed up and cleaned the kitchen at the end of the day. The bathroom was cleaned every other day, the whole of the house was vacuumed and dusted twice a week, the windows were cleaned every 2 weeks, inside and out, and the rubbish was gathered from the bins around the house and taken out daily, in return for a full stomach of decent grub and not having to worry about going round the supermarket or remembering when to pay a bill.


Whenever they started to slack I told them I'd withdraw my services and they understood that they were getting the good end of the bargain and it was definitely well worth making the effort to keep me happy and for them to avoid the .


You can't make them care, but you CAN make things easier for them by helping them to make the right decisions if you play it right ;)


Other than this you'll be rather stuck I think, and the upside to sharing with blokes (avoidance of the traditional girly bitching and no competition for the bathroom) needs to be played against the predictable downsides. I'm not sure you'll ever get them to put the loo seat down. It would almost be worth buying one of those seats that won't stay up, just to avoid having to put it down constantly.

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I live with two males (student and full time worker both under 30) I am the only female that lives in the house. I have a live in landlord, and at the moment I have a couple of issues. My bedroom has black marks on the wallpaper and windows it also smells of damn and I feel that there is condensation in the room and the double glazed windows aren’t sealed well. What can be done about it? Another bug bearer is the males leave the toilet seat up and since I have moved in there they have never left it down once. It is annoying me and I don’t know how to tell them without sounding like a nagging bitch. I am tempted to leave bleach on the seat so they bums burn lol. Also the lads never clean the kitchen or bathroom. They will wash their dishes but never clean the bathroom toilet and tub and kitchen surfaces. In fact the carpet has not been hoovered since last Nov and the vacum cleaner does not work!


If there is condensation in your room you need to be opening the window regularly and don't dry your washing in there. Get used to the toilet seat as I don't know any male that puts it down after use! With regards to them cleaning, get a rota made up and ask the landlord for a new hoover :) Easy peasy :hihi:

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If there is condensation in your room you need to be opening the window regularly and don't dry your washing in there. Get used to the toilet seat as I don't know any male that puts it down after use! With regards to them cleaning, get a rota made up and ask the landlord for a new hoover :) Easy peasy :hihi:


I never understood the toilet seat thing. Surely it is much better to have it up and clean, rather than down and splashed.


Mind you, I am a bloke. So what do I know:)

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