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House keeping hygiene issues

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Have you thought about maybe all chipping in for a cleaner to pop by once a week to help out.. They can do the hoovering, bathroom and kitchen cleaning as well.. Between 3 adults it shouldnt be THAT steep. This way, no blame on who has or hasnt done what and at least you know if things get on top of one person, the cleaner will be by to sort it sooner than later

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Well perhaps I have an expectation as a true gentleman will put the toilet seat down. It’s a basic manner. They were the ones who lifted it up so they should put it down where they found it.


I think that your housemates would consider that an unrealistic expectation and you need to work with that. You probably do things that they consider poor manners too, and that's all part of the stuff that you have to work out when you share a house.

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Well perhaps I have an expectation as a true gentleman will put the toilet seat down. It’s a basic manner. They were the ones who lifted it up so they should put it down where they found it.


Help me out here. Why is the same then not true of you? - i.e. that when you go and find the seat up, you put it back up where you found it when you've finished. Chicken and egg / seat up or down: which came first? Why should the female have the default position?

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From a hygiene point of view it's far better to keep the lid shut when flushing as the air around the toilet bowl (up to 2m) is showered with spray which settles on sinks, hand towels, toothbrushes.

Despite my previous post I always close the lid, besides it looks better when you walk in to the bathroom.

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Thanks for backing me up Murphy!


Also, if you leave the lid down there's absolutely NO chance of accidentally dropping something in the loo! It's not such a daft concern -


Years ago, when I was a student, living in a shared house, a housemate confessed to me that he had knocked over the toothbrush pot and one of our other housemate's toothbrush had fallen in the loo. It was fished out, rinsed out and put back in the pot, she was none the wiser, and came to no harm. What you don't know doesn't hurt you, but I wish he hadn't confessed to me!

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Why is the onus on the men to keep the toilet seat down? The men need it up to go wee, the women need it down to go wee. There's more men in the house so it's just easier to leave it up than put it down.


I don't see why people have a huge issue with it.


If you want it down put it down, what's the difference, most of the time in this house it's used up, so it makes more sense to leave it up and put it down when you need to rather than the other way around.


Sounds like it's probably the same in your place.

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They will wash their dishes but never clean the bathroom toilet and tub and kitchen surfaces. In fact the carpet has not been hoovered since last Nov and the vacum cleaner does not work!


It would be fair if there were a rota for duties such as washing up. The bath should be cleaned down after use (i thought that was normal) likewise the sink area. While you're trying to get the lazy sods to do something look for alternative accomodation.

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