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The digital age and what to do with stuff

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As technology seems to be taking over these days, just wondering what people do with their 'physical stuff' so to speak.


I have now got a Kindle and find it very handy, I also put my music on my laptop and my phone now and never play my CDs which I guess many others do, the thing is do you hang on to your paper books and CDs or dispose of them? Is technology meant to help you free up space?


Although I love technology, I still like to keep a paper diary/journal, try as I might I can't get used to just relying on my phone for appointments and I still love the written word and have written journals going years back which I don't want to get rid of and I still love to journal by hand.


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A Kindle offers something different (in my case, convenience) so I have both. My Kindle is a practical way of taking as many books as I like on holiday without worrying about weight in my case, or I can get a book I want immediately (if say one really, really appeals to me but the shops are shut and I don't want to wait for an Amazon delivery). Last week, having read a brilliant book on holiday on my Kindle, I bought a hard copy on my return - because I wanted the physical pleasures associated with a real book when I inevitably re-read it. Finally, a Kindle stops you from sneaking a peek at the ending as it's a pain to do so, though by the same token you can't quickly check back if needed.


In a nutshell then: room for both!

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