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Holidays In The 50s!!

old tup

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Day Trips (Never had a posh holiday)


Getting ticket for "best" day trip, all the club trips were rated

Free tickets for rides and tea.

Race for back seat on't chara

Soggy sandwiches.

Charabang race on the way there - "For he's a jolly good driver..."

Stop halfway for tea at apple orchard.

Big cheer when somebody saw THE SEA, from miles away.

Laughing sailor

Knockout stall

Juke box with all the latest

What the butler saw

Teeth rotting rock and candy floss

"Kiss me quick" hats on girls

Photo scam - Here's ticket, give me a deposit and address and I'll send them.

Bus home always late waiting for stragglers. Exasperated steward.

Can't pick out bus home from hundreds in dozens of parking lots. In the exictement of arriving forgot to look where we were. Relief when you see familiar face.

Looking forward to next year

After carrying around vase all day for mum at home, it gets trod on in bus.


What about those people with cameras who used to come up and take photos of you. You could buy them later at their kiosk nearby, glossy black and whites.

I still have a couple of me and the family. There I am, hair parted at the side, slicked back with Brycreem and wearing a jacket and tie of all things :loopy:

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