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Tips on speaking in public

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Empty your pockets, stand up straight and speak at half the speed you think you need to with the intonation that you would use if reading a story to a child.


Make up a couple of cards (literally only one or two) with single word bullet points that will help you keep a structure to your speech, but mean that you won't be reading off the card.

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hello, as the title says, im going to soon try to speak and sell myself in a room full of strangers.

its not something im used to doing, been a best man a few times and was a nervous wreck. any tips welcome thanks, Andy


People trafficing is illegal you know:suspect:

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One minutes talk needs one hour of preparation.

Write notes on cards, postcard size, with headings, not the full text. Do NOT apologise: this will give the listener an expectation of something bad to follow. Try to look at people in the room: don't stare blankly into space. Don't tell jokes unless you are an acomplished joke teller, and do not be smutty, or talk with innuendo.

For the talk, tell them what you are going to tell them, tell them, and wind up by telling them what you have told them.


Edit: and let us know how you get on.

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a) Know your subject,

b) know what you want to say,

c) make some bullet point notes to keep you on track,

but then after that, provided a) holds true, just go with it and talk about it.


Trick to remembering to speak slower: you'll generally have a set time for presentation and questions, if you speak slower you have less time for questions at the end :lol:


If you're using powerpoint/similar, then don't just say whats on the screen, the screen should be used for topic headings, key words, and pictures.

Don't put complex information on a slide, particularly graphs, unless the graph is just there to show an overall trend, if the information it contains can't be decoded and understood in a few seconds leave it out or display it in another fashion.


Watch Dave Gorman's shows, he has a fantastic presenting style and there's a lot you can pick up from him and formalise/adapt to the situation.

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