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Tips on speaking in public

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a) Know your subject,

b) know what you want to say,

c) make some bullet point notes to keep you on track,

but then after that, provided a) holds true, just go with it and talk about it.


Trick to remembering to speak slower: you'll generally have a set time for presentation and questions, if you speak slower you have less time for questions at the end :lol:


If you're using powerpoint/similar, then don't just say whats on the screen, the screen should be used for topic headings, key words, and pictures.

Don't put complex information on a slide, particularly graphs, unless the graph is just there to show an overall trend, if the information it contains can't be decoded and understood in a few seconds leave it out or display it in another fashion.


Watch Dave Gorman's shows, he has a fantastic presenting style and there's a lot you can pick up from him and formalise/adapt to the situation.

Very true,assume your audience can read.

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Deep breaths before you stand. When you do get up dont start immediatly, but glance around the room. This will get you acclimatised, relaxing your fingers will do wonders for our breathing..


Key points:-


Don't, don't, say..."you know" or "'erm" a lot, makes you look like you don't know what you are on about.


Know your subject, speak slowly as mentioned before and daft as it sounds, smile. It makes you look like you do this every day...Above all a bit of practice goes a long way

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Speak slowly and enunciate well. Speak at half the speed you think you need to. Dont use slang or a broad accent. Try not to say well, you know, I mean, or use too many umms and errs. Time what you need to say. It takes less time than you think. Use prompting notes if necessary. Try and use some sort of illustration or demonstration, as long as it doesnt take too long, and if the appropriate equipment is available.


Remember the 6 P`s. "Proper Preparation Prevents P*ss Poor Performance". It certainly rings true.


Dont worry about being nervous, your "audience" will expect you to be and should make allowances for nervousness


Best of luck

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Balls out confidence. There are no rules anymore. Just watch stand up comics some do a shocking job if they where selling you something, but it all have confidence by the bucket load


I have found that it is better to keep the testicles inside your underwear when speaking in public.Maybe I am just old fashioned.

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I know a lot of comedians place an accomplice in the front row of an audience,who will display prompt cards to guide the speaker.The best comedians ask silly questions to warm an audience


1.Who has come by car

2. Anyone from Maltby

3.Has anyone had a nervous breakdown etc.


You will no doubt formulate your own questions but remember you are the king in the room-take charge and be the boss.just like what Bernard Manning did

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....focus on a point sat the far end of the room, you won't see hoards of people looking at you!


I find that unhelpful.


I much prefer to make eye contact with as many people as I can - although none for more than a few seconds at a time.


It's mainly about rehearsal, timing, knowing your subject - and confidence.

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