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Tips on speaking in public

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Who's your audience? Younger or older? Professional or trainee? Sober?


What's the speech on? How long do you need to speak for?


I find a presentation in the form of an introduction, main body and conclusion usually works. Depending on your audience, a little joke can break the ice at the start but, depending on what you are presenting and who to - it shouldn't be a laugh a minute.


Write your speech down, practice it and rewrite it. Do this over and over until you know what you are going to say. When I've given a presentation, I've taken the whole speech in with me but have printed some words in different colours - first word or two of a paragraph in red with the odd word here and there also highlighted - you'll know which to highlight from your practising.


The reason for taking your whole speech in is just in case you completely lose your way. There is nothing wrong with saying, "Excuse me", taking a tiny sip of water and reading on to yourself past your highlighted words just so you get back on track - then breathe in, look up and smile and continue.


Good luck.

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Focus your eyes on someone sometimes and have the eye communication with the stangers, that is very important.


I totaly agree. Also speeking at a normal speed, having confidence in your voice, moving about (not running or a full on work-out, but dont stand like a statue)


There is many thing that will help but i would say showing confidence is the most important thing

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hello, as the title says, im going to soon try to speak and sell myself in a room full of strangers.

its not something im used to doing, been a best man a few times and was a nervous wreck. any tips welcome thanks, Andy


Hi Andy!


I'm crap at this too, and it's something I'd like to improve. I think there is definitely scope for getting much better, being relaxed, natural and confident, and learning to put your message across well.


I guess one of the key things, is to be clear on what you want to say, before saying.


Anyhow, did you know there is a toastmasters group in sheffield?




I've never been, not yet anyway, but looks interesting.


Good luck, let us know how you get on in general.

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