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What if the bombs had never dropped on Nagasaki & Hiroshima ?

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I don't mean "what if Germany won the war" I mean what would have happened if Nagasaki and Hiroshima weren't detroyed by the big bombs?


Would the Americans have continued firebombing Japan?


Would there have been a ground invasion?


Would other countries have come to Japan's assistance?


Would we have still won the war?


Would the New World Order now be in control? (:hihi: Just kidding, sometimes I miss the conspiracy fans with their inability to explain theories)

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When you look at the level of resistance and willingness to die by the japanese on the invaded islands I think in the absence of nukes a ground invaision of the home islands would have been necessary to force surrender. The increased death toll on both sides would have been huge and the war would have dragged on for an extra couple of years.

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In point of fact, the Japanese were willing to surrender already, before the bombs were dropped; their only condition was that they be allowed to keep the Emperor. The US government refused any conditions at all, and since unconditional surrender was not forthcoming, they dropped the two bombs.


Note that after the two bombs, the US accepted surrender and allowed Japan to retain its Emperor after all - which does make you wonder what the point was.



If they hadn't been dropped,there is no doubt whatsoever that the Allies would still have defeated Japan - it may have taken longer,and if the Soviet Union had "agreed to help out" two or three of the main Japanese islands might have belonged to the USSR for forty years.

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There was no doubting the outcome of WW2 from the moment that the yanks entered it. The yanks had far too much fire power and human resources for there to have been any other outcome. They dropped the bombs simply because they had been developing them for years and wished to see if they worked ok, just like any kid with a new toy would.

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In point of fact, the Japanese were willing to surrender already, before the bombs were dropped; their only condition was that they be allowed to keep the Emperor. The US government refused any conditions at all, and since unconditional surrender was not forthcoming, they dropped the two bombs.


Note that after the two bombs, the US accepted surrender and allowed Japan to retain its Emperor after all - which does make you wonder what the point was.



If they hadn't been dropped,there is no doubt whatsoever that the Allies would still have defeated Japan - it may have taken longer,and if the Soviet Union had "agreed to help out" two or three of the main Japanese islands might have belonged to the USSR for forty years.


A rare opportunity, and valid reason to test the big bombs for the Americans.

And a good thing,because it has stopped anymore world wars.

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"What if the bombs had never dropped on Nagasaki & Hiroshima ?" We would be speaking German or Japanese instead of broad Yorkshire.





Germany had been defeaed by that time.

Total and unconditional surrender it was called.


The same was expected from Japan, but they were a tougher nut.

They were conditioned never to surrender, and considered men who did to be subhuman.


If we were not to kill every Japanese person, the only way was to shock them into reality.


This was done using uranium bombs, very low yeild devices, but at that time enough to quieten any one, which they did.


These things are only the detonators for the things which terrified through the Cold War, The Hydrogen Bomb.


Whatch Dr Stangelove, a brilliant satire on those times.

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In point of fact, the Japanese were willing to surrender already, before the bombs were dropped; their only condition was that they be allowed to keep the Emperor. The US government refused any conditions at all, and since unconditional surrender was not forthcoming, they dropped the two bombs.


Note that after the two bombs, the US accepted surrender and allowed Japan to retain its Emperor after all - which does make you wonder what the point was.



If they hadn't been dropped,there is no doubt whatsoever that the Allies would still have defeated Japan - it may have taken longer,and if the Soviet Union had "agreed to help out" two or three of the main Japanese islands might have belonged to the USSR for forty years.


What he says. The Japanese would have likely surrendered given the chance. The Americans it seems, like revenge.

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