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What if the bombs had never dropped on Nagasaki & Hiroshima ?

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There was no doubting the outcome of WW2 from the moment that the yanks entered it. The yanks had far too much fire power and human resources for there to have been any other outcome. They dropped the bombs simply because they had been developing them for years and wished to see if they worked ok, just like any kid with a new toy would.


That is not correct.

The Japanese would have fought to the last man, they were the bravest, and most brutal soldiers in the world.

In fact even after the bombs they were willing to continue fighting.

The bombs were to show the government that the game was over and they were done.

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That is not correct.

The Japanese would have fought to the last man, they were the bravest, and most brutal soldiers in the world.

In fact even after the bombs they were willing to continue fighting.

The bombs were to show the government that the game was over and they were done.


You are incorrect. Read more history. The yanks wished people to believe that so that they could cover up the fact that they merely wished to try out their new weapons.

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Not just the Americans. RAF Bomber Command obliterated Dresden for no better reason than "well they did it to us, so screw em."


I think there was a great political reason for that.


Dresden was always an anti Nazi stronghold, and was prepared to recieve the Red Army, and use it as a base, for a socialist Germany.


Therefore it had to be destroyed, totally and completly

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You are incorrect. Read more history. The yanks wished people to believe that so that they could cover up the fact that they merely wished to try out their new weapons.


Nonsense, they had tried them already, out in the deserts of New Mexico.


What had been said, was, lets get all these Jap leaders here, and show them this bomb. Then they will surrender.


But someone said, no, if we do that and everyone knows what we have, then we wont dare use it.


So they used it secretly, as we know.

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When the Japanese took on the USA they never expected to beat them,they were hoping the Americans would not have the stomach for a fight once the body bags started coming home,they thought they might be able to get some kind of negotiations and agreements from the Americans before they got there full military power into production,they soon realized what a mistake they had made and there pride and stubbornness made them fight on,if the Americans had not dropped the bombs the Japanese would have fought to the last man there would have been millions of casualty's it would have been a blood bath,the Japanese proved how they would fight as the fighting got closer to Japan the fiercer they fought.

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In point of fact, the Japanese were willing to surrender already, before the bombs were dropped; their only condition was that they be allowed to keep the Emperor. The US government refused any conditions at all, and since unconditional surrender was not forthcoming, they dropped the two bombs.


Note that after the two bombs, the US accepted surrender and allowed Japan to retain its Emperor after all - which does make you wonder what the point was.



If they hadn't been dropped,there is no doubt whatsoever that the Allies would still have defeated Japan - it may have taken longer,and if the Soviet Union had "agreed to help out" two or three of the main Japanese islands might have belonged to the USSR for forty years.


A couple of points, it was an allied decision to push for unconditional surrender, and the Soviets had agreed and were actually fighting the Japanese and making massive gains in China and Manchuria.


I would also take issue with you assertion that Japan was willing to surrender with their only condition being that they retain their Emperor. Sure some politicians may have express a desire for this option but under Japanese law they could only enter into a peace agreement with the unanimous support of the Japanese cabinet, which allowed the Japanese military to block any move.

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