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What if the bombs had never dropped on Nagasaki & Hiroshima ?

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Not just the Americans. RAF Bomber Command obliterated Dresden for no better reason than "well they did it to us, so screw em."


Again I'd disagree with this rather emotive response. Dresden was a major transport hub which would have helped the transportation of supplies and soldiers to the Eastern front, it's destruction seriously contributed towards hindering Germany's ability to fight on the Eastern front. It was also industrialised, with the majority of this industry producing goods for war.


Here's a good read if you're interested.

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What he says, that's as I understand it...


It's not quite as simple, here's what I posted.


I would also take issue with you assertion that Japan was willing to surrender with their only condition being that they retain their Emperor. Sure some politicians may have express a desire for this option but under Japanese law they could only enter into a peace agreement with the unanimous support of the Japanese cabinet, which allowed the Japanese military to block any move.
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You are incorrect. Read more history. The yanks wished people to believe that so that they could cover up the fact that they merely wished to try out their new weapons.


You are saying that the Nipones Army were cowards?

Rather you than me.:o

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You are saying that the Nipones Army were cowards?

Rather you than me.:o


I never said that. You should read the book written by a very brave Japanese kamikaze pilot. He flew many successful missions. It is all explained in there.:cool:

It is entitled Vindaloo and the divine wind.:)

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Pearl Harbour, possibly a true fact about it.


« on: February 26, 2012, 08:34:56 AM »QuoteModifyRemoveSunday, December 7th, 1941--Admiral Chester Nimitz was attending a concert in Washington D.C. He was paged and told there was a phone call for him.


When he answered the phone, it was President Franklin Delano Roosevelt on the phone. He told Admiral Nimitz that he (Nimitz) would now be the Commander of the Pacific Fleet.


Admiral Nimitz flew to Hawaii to assume command of the Pacific Fleet. He landed at Pearl Harbor on Christmas Eve, 1941. There was such a spirit of despair, dejection and defeat--you would have thought the Japanese had already won the war. On Christmas Day, 1941, Adm. Nimitz was given a boat tour of the destruction wrought on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese. Big sunken battleships and navy vessels cluttered the waters every where you looked.


As the tour boat returned to dock, the young helmsman of the boat asked, "Well Admiral, what do you think after seeing all this destruction?"

Admiral Nimitz's reply shocked everyone within the sound of his voice. Admiral Nimitz said, "The Japanese made three of the biggest mistakes an attack force could ever make, or God was taking care of America . Which do you think it was?"


Shocked and surprised, the young helmsman asked, "What do mean by saying the Japanese made the three biggest mistakes an attack force ever made?"




Mistake number one: the Japanese attacked on Sunday morning. Nine out of every ten crewmen of those ships were ashore on leave. If those same ships had been lured to sea and been sunk--we would have lost 38,000 men instead of 3,800.


Mistake number two: when the Japanese saw all those battleships lined in a row, they got so carried away sinking those battleships, they never once bombed our dry docks opposite those ships. If they had destroyed our dry docks, we would have had to tow every one of those ships to America to be repaired. As it is now, the ships are in shallow water and can be raised.

One tug can pull them over to the dry docks, and we can have them repaired and at sea by the time we could have towed them to America . And I already have crews ashore anxious to man those ships.


Mistake number three: every drop of fuel in the Pacific theater of war is in top-of-the-ground storage tanks five miles away over that hill. One attack plane could have strafed those tanks and destroyed our fuel supply.


That's why I say the Japanese made three of the biggest mistakes an attack force could make or God was taking care of America .

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