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The British Government has selectively run out of money

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So the Daily Torygraph states, so expect things to get better this year, as jobs florish and business takes off??? http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/9107485/George-Osborne-UK-has-run-out-of-money.html


On the other hand The British Government, in a new report funded by the Joseph Rowntree foundation. pays for the US government using a controversial spy station in Yorkshire to "subvert and destroy democracy" The cost of policing the station is in excess of £500,000 each year, with the cost to the Ministry of Defence over the last five years estimated at over £7 million. http://www.morningstaronline.co.uk/news/layout/set/print/content/view/full/115893


So welcome to UK Cuts, an ecperience for the poorer end of the social spectrum, who will hopefully accuse each other of being lazy, as the selective propaganda encourages the ignorant to find scapegoats, as divide and rule is the intention.


You have never had it so good as it is right now, and its all downhill, for the ride in the Shylark!

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So the Daily Torygraph states, so expect things to get better this year, as jobs florish and business takes off??? http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/9107485/George-Osborne-UK-has-run-out-of-money.html


On the other hand The British Government, in a new report funded by the Joseph Rowntree foundation. pays for the US government using a controversial spy station in Yorkshire to "subvert and destroy democracy" The cost of policing the station is in excess of £500,000 each year, with the cost to the Ministry of Defence over the last five years estimated at over £7 million. http://www.morningstaronline.co.uk/news/layout/set/print/content/view/full/115893


So welcome to UK Cuts, an ecperience for the poorer end of the social spectrum, who will hopefully accuse each other of being lazy, as the selective propaganda encourages the ignorant to find scapegoats, as divide and rule is the intention.


You have never had it so good as it is right now, and its all downhill, for the ride in the Shylark!


thatd be fylingdales then? the early warning centre? or menworth hill?

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Early Warning Center?????? Who against, or did the cold war never end, and the USSR is on the rampage again?


Wake up, its use has changed and had you bothered to read anything instead of attempting to be clever, then maybe your phone, computer is being monitored for a start, by Uncle Sam.


The land of the free no longer exists unless you are the top 1% and the trash, that is the rest cannot be trusted and needs watching, here ther and it seems everywhere!

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Early Warning Center?????? Who against, or did the cold war never end, and the USSR is on the rampage again?


Wake up, its use has changed and had you bothered to read anything instead of attempting to be clever, then maybe your phone, computer is being monitored for a start, by Uncle Sam.


The land of the free no longer exists unless you are the top 1% and the trash, that is the rest cannot be trusted and needs watching, here ther and it seems everywhere!


I do believe that there are many countries that wish us harm and are trying to develop WMDs. The NATO countries are dotted with early warning stations to monitor the threat as well as track potential attacks.

If you keep up with world events you will know that the USSR no longer exists, but Russia still sends bombers over regularly to monitor our response.

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Early Warning Center?????? Who against, or did the cold war never end, and the USSR is on the rampage again?


Wake up, its use has changed and had you bothered to read anything instead of attempting to be clever, then maybe your phone, computer is being monitored for a start, by Uncle Sam.


The land of the free no longer exists unless you are the top 1% and the trash, that is the rest cannot be trusted and needs watching, here ther and it seems everywhere!


Yeah, watch how the FBI and the Men in Black storm my house simply for using the words bomb and president in the same sentence.

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Oh yes the morning star. That wonderful trustworthy news source.


Next crackpot theroy......



Is this the best they can come up with? No mention of how much the US personnel put into the local economy. As for waste of money the MoD wastes a lot more on the UK. If the US are doing the job for us it's seems cheap at twice the price. Anyway the MoD probably spend more on biscuits in a year.

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Give over you lot, this country is awash with money.

I cannot believe that some of you are falling for the old trick, "but we have no money", most of you, yes, but not some of you.


Wake up for Gods sake.


You are being led up the garden path.

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