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The British Government has selectively run out of money

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Early Warning Center?????? Who against, or did the cold war never end, and the USSR is on the rampage again?


Wake up, its use has changed and had you bothered to read anything instead of attempting to be clever, then maybe your phone, computer is being monitored for a start, by Uncle Sam.


The land of the free no longer exists unless you are the top 1% and the trash, that is the rest cannot be trusted and needs watching, here ther and it seems everywhere!


One rule of thumb I have on forums is that anyone who uses the phrase "wake up" is a conspiracy theory nutter. So far I've not been proved wrong.

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Give over you lot, this country is awash with money.

I cannot believe that some of you are falling for the old trick, "but we have no money", most of you, yes, but not some of you.


Wake up for Gods sake.


You are being led up the garden path.



........and here's another one! :loopy:

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