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Overdosed on painkillers while waiting for NHS appropriate support


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My son had toothache I'm Saturdayay so we rang out of hours dentist and after nearly an hour on the phone we were advised to ring another number.

We rang the other number several times for an hour or so - no answer.

We went to the walk in centre and asked about this number and they told us that the number we had been given was for Mon to Friday only.

We waited at the walk in centre for three hours and my son was given paracetamol.

Saturday evening my son was in agony and got hold of some dihydrocodeine. He said they didn't work and also took some paracetamol and ibuprofen.

Sunday he woke up and one side of his face had doubled in size. He said he was in agony despite taking more pills against my wishes and we went to A & E.

The staff there told him his face wasn't swollen so must have assumed he was born with a very mis shapen face. My son said he felt it was an abcess and they said no its not and sent him home after three hours.

Monday my son went to Charles Clifford who instantly diagnosed an abcess and removed a tooth from the root and then said goodbye.

I asked what's happening about the abcess then and where are your anti biotics or pain killers and he said they had given him nothing but his tooth.

So earlier my son took tramadol co codamol ibuprofen paracetamol and possibly something else and was still in agony and going pale.

I rang out of hours doctors again having to go through endless questions and was then told to ring 999.

I rang 999 and spoke to the rudest most patronising female who asked me to repeat things several times because she couldn't write fast enough or hadn't heard me. Meanwhile my son is going faint and getting anxious and frustrated and he voiced this in the background to which she then asked if he is violent as she won't send an ambulance without a police escort if he is abusive.

He has been in pain for approximately 60 hours and has possibly overdosed on a cocktail of pain relief because no one has offered him the correct medical treatment.

I am worried, upset, angry and do not know what to do.

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To begin with, put a lock on your medicines cabinet. It is bordering on criminally irresponsible to have tramadol in the house and allow children access to it.
Do you think the son is a child? That never occured to me reading it.


He should really have had a prescription for antibiotics if it was an abcess. Trying holding lukewarm saltwater in the mouth and rinsing with it every couple of hours. He could also try adult bonjela on the gum around the socket..


I've had an abcess/tooth extraction recently and the pain wasn't that bad, easily controlled with ibu and paracetamol so perhaps there's something else wrong?


Maybe take him back to A&E by taxi, if you don't have transport available?

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To begin with, put a lock on your medicines cabinet. It is bordering on criminally irresponsible to have tramadol in the house and allow children access to it.


Well said HeadingNorth, where the hell did the 'kid' get the Dihydrocodeine from ?? mores the point, how did the parent know that the 'kid' had actually taken them ?? Social services on the way.........

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Do you think the son is a child? That never occured to me reading it.


That's a fair point actually. I just assumed that a mother wanting medical advice to do with her son's condition, would be the mother of a child rather than an adult; it does not have to be so.


If he's an adult, his potential death from overdose will be entirely his own fault, not his mother's; either way the doctors, dentists and hospitals will not be to blame.

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Well said HeadingNorth, where the hell did the 'kid' get the Dihydrocodeine from ?? mores the point, how did the parent know that the 'kid' had actually taken them ?? Social services on the way.........
oh, stop stirring. :)


It's perfectly obvious the son is an adult, unless Charles Clifford have taken to treating lone small boys wandering in off the street these days.

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Do you think the son is a child? That never occured to me reading it.


He should really have had a prescription for antibiotics if it was an abcess. Trying holding lukewarm saltwater in the mouth and rinsing with it every couple of hours. He could also try adult bonjela on the gum around the socket..


I've had an abcess/tooth extraction recently and the pain wasn't that bad, easily controlled with ibu and paracetamol so perhaps there's something else wrong?


Maybe take him back to A&E by taxi, if you don't have transport available?

So speaks Dr rubydazzler.... If a parent has had to take a sibling to the Charles Clifford tehn it usually means that they need parental consent for treatment which is why most of us thought/concurred that the person in question was a minor... Meh !

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I once had an abcess that hurt so much, I considered taking an overdose just so I could get admitted to hospital. I didn't have any of the groovy stuff Audra had but I was taking asparin and paracetamol six at a time. I was past caring. By the next morning the pressure had pushed the filling out of the tooth and I was pain free.

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