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Overdosed on painkillers while waiting for NHS appropriate support


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The OP has a young child so I presume the child who has the toothache is a teenager at most.


The OP is clearly and understandably stressed, so speculation as to the age of the person with toothache can't be helping.


I think you'd best get him to A&E somehow - for the pain and for the potential overdose. Take the bottles with you. Let us know how you get on.

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I once had an abcess that hurt so much, I considered taking an overdose just so I could get admitted to hospital. I didn't have any of the groovy stuff Audra had but I was taking asparin and paracetamol six at a time. I was past caring. By the next morning the pressure had pushed the filling out of the tooth and I was pain free.


If you were actually taking 6 paracetamol at a time then you would have placed yourself in serious jeapordy if you had exceeded the maximum dose of 8 x 500mg per day and its not a nice way to die...........

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i dont think it matters if the son is a adult or a child ,the OP asked for advice and all anyone seemed to want to do is criticize what makes the criticisms even more worrying is the one from a supposedly mental illness worker...god help his patients is all I can say

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So speaks Dr rubydazzler.... If a parent has had to take a sibling to the Charles Clifford tehn it usually means that they need parental consent for treatment which is why most of us thought/concurred that the person in question was a minor... Meh !


Or he could be a young adult - or anyone who just wants a bit of moral support!


Having suffered an abcess in the past, and knowing the horrendous pain I went through - he has my sympathy.


Oil of Cloves is supposed to be very good, dabbed on the affected area.

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To the OP - if you remain genuinely concerned about your son's condition, just dial 999 again and co-operate completely with the questions you're asked. I don't really see the problem with them asking if he's likely to be violent; reassure them that he is just panicky and upset.

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i dont think it matters if the son is a adult or a child ,the OP asked for advice and all anyone seemed to want to do is criticize what makes the criticisms even more worrying is the one from a supposedly mental illness worker...god help his patients is all I can say


OOF ! :hihi::hihi:

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So speaks Dr rubydazzler.... If a parent has had to take a sibling to the Charles Clifford tehn it usually means that they need parental consent for treatment which is why most of us thought/concurred that the person in question was a minor... Meh !
Meh to you too, but she didn't take him, did she? If she had, he might not have come away without a prescription for antibiotics.


Monday my son went to Charles Clifford who instantly diagnosed an abcess and removed a tooth from the root and then said goodbye.

I asked what's happening about the abcess then and where are your anti biotics or pain killers and he said they had given him nothing but his tooth.


Why are we arguing about this anyway, like we really care or anything :)

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Or he could be a young adult - or anyone who just wants a bit of moral support!


Having suffered an abcess in the past, and knowing the horrendous pain I went through - he has my sympathy.


Oil of Cloves is supposed to be very good, dabbed on the affected area.


So speaks Dr Crippen :loopy:

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So speaks Dr rubydazzler.... If a parent has had to take a sibling to the Charles Clifford tehn it usually means that they need parental consent for treatment which is why most of us thought/concurred that the person in question was a minor... Meh !


Children don't need the consent of their parent for medical treatment under Gillick competence legal ruling.

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